US - WTB Tarantula Silk Sash


2014 & 2015 TC Champion
Still looking for one of these, the spider won't cooperate. Not looking to transfer, but I can compensate you dearly if you come to Bleeding Hollow or I could potentially transfer you here. I have a pair of Spellshock Leggings on US Terenas as well if anyone is interested.


Stuff I have besides gold that you might be interested in.

On Bleeding Hollow I have

2x Foreman's Gloves

1x Formal Dangui

4x Darkwood Fishing Pole

3x Gloves of the fang

1x Blackened Defias Gloves

2x Blackened Defias Belt

3x Mystic's Robes

1x Darkweave Breeches

1x Magefist Gloves

On Eldre'Thalas I have

1x Mindthrust Bracers

On Gnomergean I have

1x Walking Boots

On Terenas I have

1x Spellshock Leggings

On Echo Isles I have

1x Blackened Defias Belt

On Misha I have

1x Blackened Defias Gloves

On Archimonde I have

1x Formal Dangui

On TheVentureCo I have

1x Bristlebark Gloves

On Stagehelm I have

1x Formal Dangui

On Spinebreaker I have

1x Goblin Screwdriver

On Durotan I Have

More Gold

and a ton more stuff, just ask.
still looking for one of these.
10k gold + an assortment of twink items.

Here's some goodies I have.

1x Foreman's Gloves

1x Mindthrust Bracers

1x Formal Dangui

4x Darkwood Fishing Pole

3x Gloves of the fang

1x Blackened Defias Gloves

2x Blackened Defias Belt

3x Mystic's Robes

1x Darkweave Breeches

1x magefist gloves

I also have a full guild bank tab of various rare twink items if you would like me to list it all.

Feel free to counteroffer.
No need of gold and i alrdy got all those twink items ... I'm looking for shadowfang, rare mount, tcg loot... things like that... i can add on my side
Ah sorry, all my TCG Mounts are already used on my toon. Looks like I'll keep looking.
I've spoken to GM's, it apparently still drops.. just a stupid low rate. Been farming it for over a month now. Definitely looking to shell out dearly for one.
I've spoken to GM's, it apparently still drops.. just a stupid low rate. Been farming it for over a month now. Definitely looking to shell out dearly for one.

I'd trust WoWhead over a WoW GM personally. I've heard too many conflicting comments from them. Anyways, I do have one...but you have to buy my account to get it.

Heh, I'll have to pass, but thanks. Still looking for one, acquired a bunch of new rare twink items that I listed up top as well.
Why don't you just farm it? I do believe it still drops.

Farming a few hours rare spawn with a 0.1% to drop the item you want can be quite annoying sometimes
still looking for one, got a second pair of foreman's gloves that I can offer as well.

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