US WTB lvl 29 boe's will transfer..


WTB lvl 29 boe's will transfer..

wtb a bunch of 29 items, I'm hoping to transfer to one person for a package deal. :) OR I can buy items individually on Crushridge server to save a transfer. Thank you!

*will transfer for these items, must have at least 2 of them*

pathfinder hat of the tiger

pathfinder hat of the monkey

pillager's gloves of healing

pillager's girdle of healing

phalanx leggings of healing

*if I'm transferring I will also buy these items if available*

pillager's gloves of the eagle

phalanx leggings of the eagle

tigerstrike mantle

yorgen bracers

river pride choker

tundra necklace of the tiger

crystal starfire medallion

resilient handwraps

I guit for a year but 3.2 brought me back to wow with the intent of twinking again. I'm sad to hear most all of the battlegroups are empty :( Please help me and my friends join the battle. I will buy multiples of the items listed if available.

Thank you! :)
If someone had all of that banked away to sell you (and I hope they do), it would be a miracle. I've personally never seen any of the pillager healing pieces on the AHs of three different servers.

I have two Phalanx Leggings of Healing +16 tragically stuck on Kirin'Tor/Bloodlust that I'd happily give to wisely geared twinks. Ah, the pain of server separation....

I have:

tigerstrike mantle

river pride choker

crystal starfire medallion

resilient handwraps

On Zul'jin Ally Side. Pm me
Thank you everyone for the replies! *Main post edited* still looking, tracking down an old poster with a lot of stuff.

Bwappo and Bankbeauty, I might revisit your offers but I'm gonna see if I can find someone with 2 or more of the edited items for transfer. If your not in a rush, please try to hold on to that stuff...and if you come across another of my items please let me know. :eek:

Btw if it helps at all, I have items for trade.

4 ribsplitters x2 tiger,x1bear,x1stamina

eye of flame

soulcatchers halo

flurry axe

chan's imperial robe

aquamarine signet of tiger

treebark,darkweave,magefist,spidersilk, sentry cloak

and I'm on a busy server so many items come and go, I can shop for you before I transfer.

Thanks again
I also have three River Pride Chokers on that server, if you're serious about coming over to get the two +16 mail pants. ...It's a good server for pants, for some reason. I have +sp pants of various types for the 19, 29, 39, and 49 brackets. I wish I could land these on servers where it mattered.

What is your eventual destination server for 29s?

Bwappo said:
I also have three River Pride Chokers on that server, if you're serious about coming over to get the two +16 mail pants. ...It's a good server for pants, for some reason. I have +sp pants of various types for the 19, 29, 39, and 49 brackets. I wish I could land these on servers where it mattered.

What is your eventual destination server for 29s?


Thanks Bwappo.

I haven't decided yet where I'll end up. I'm trying to get in touch my old guild to see what they are up to. :rolleyes: Reckoning seems to be the clear choice, not sure which server though. Windrunner and Skywall look pretty full I might look at a different server.
Ronso said:
Thanks Bwappo.

I haven't decided yet where I'll end up. I'm trying to get in touch my old guild to see what they are up to. :rolleyes: Reckoning seems to be the clear choice, not sure which server though. Windrunner and Skywall look pretty full I might look at a different server.

if you talk to zomgbalance, wtscritspst im pretty sure he has the most comprehensive collection of 29 gear, although the 13sp mail hands and 11sp mail belt maybe a tough find..... you may want to ask fortunate of team play he had 13sp mail gloves and 16sp mail pants for sale.... hes on jaedenar in the nightfall bg
Heads up on a quick change. The toon that has the two +16 mail pants and three river pride chokers on Kirin Tor, I'm transferring back to Silver Hand (Bloodlust). So if you do decide you want the gear, you may want to wait until the middle of this week (or later, as the gear certainly isn't going anywhere quickly).



Edit: Fastest...transfer...evar. I hit the button, and the transfer was done in less than ten seconds.

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