yes, minor speed stacks with everything.
minor speed, the unsung hero for 16 years! /salute
n.elf racial = 2%
gift of ... to cloak = 2%
minor speed to boots = 10%
all 3 of the above stack with each other & with speed stat.
speed stat has diminishing returns.
if you have speed stat in every armor slot, 142% move speed is theoretical maximum. (140% if not n.elf)
i'm sitting @ 46 speed stat.
missing 11 speed stat in armor (+3 on cloak, +4 on belt, +4 on trinket) which would put me @ 57.
haven't replaced these pieces yet because cloak has GFed flexweave underlay tinker (works well with high move speed), belt has GFed nitro boost tinker, trinket has 30% move speed proc that stacks with everything else, putting me @ 169% move speed when it's up; at which point i pop nitro boost for even more zoom!
** not sure what speed stat will be on BfA weapons...