US - Level 19 - Active Guild Directory

During patch 3.1, we had an awesome guild listing of active guilds in the Ruin battlegroup for migrations of players looking to transfer and find a new home. Now that all battlegroups are merged, I felt it was a good idea to get a thread started so that players who were in small guilds or by themselves on their realm could transfer to a more active guild to boost activity and promote premading.

I will add guilds as you post them, please be advised this list will be for guilds that are premade ready or near premade ready.


1 - Please have at a minimum 10 people in the guild

2 - List your guild leader and two other members that people looking to join can contact.

3 - Provide a guild and character link of armories for contact.


Revolution: Korgath - Guild Master - Veil - Contacts - System, Légènd

Twink Info : Korgath - Guild Master - Feenin - Contacts - Ã￾nimal

Extinct : Cenarius - Guild Master - CLÖÜD - Contacts - Verb, Sacrifíce

Para Bellum : Sen'jin - Guild Master - Shiimo - Contacts - Robbinhoots, Failingyou


The Chosen Few : Vek'nilash - Guild Master - Incredabull - Contacts - Beastly, Cowstomper

Tink Nation : Arthas - Guild Master - Wtbdispel - Contacts - Theist, Herø

Waw Tawent : Bleeding Hollow - Guild Master - Pizza - Contacts - Slyddur, Ihealpizza

Static : Azgalor - Guild Master - Opinion - Contacts - Davetango, Ranged

Soul Cry : Mug'thol - Guild Master - Rookiez - Contacts - Runfatboyrun, Rabakah

Plan B : Dreadmaul - Guild Master - Sheepiish - Contacts - Sëphiro, Tanq

Empíre : Elune - Guild Master - Titån - Contacts - Níx, Holyhek
Please stick to a couple contacts as if you are active it should be fine without having tons of names for a single guild. Who do you want as your two other then the GM? Edit - I thought Beastly was the GM?
Tink Nation - Horde

Server: Arthas - PvP

Premading: Yes

Recruiting: Yes, in need of a Mage, Ele/Enhance Shaman and possibly a Priest & Feral/Boomkin. Considering exceptional players of any class.

Funding: No

Contact: Wtbdispel, Theist, Herø

P.S. RP2012!
SoulCry[8] almost 9.

Guild Master : Rookiez

Contacts : Runfatboyrun, Rebakah or Stunlok, ( pretty much anyone in the guild )

Sponsoring : Yes in need of a few dps, and some healers, add me to real ID
Milfish said:
SoulCry[8] almost 9.

Guild Master : Rookiez

Contacts : Runfatboyrun, Rebakah or Stunlok, ( pretty much anyone in the guild )

Sponsoring : Yes in need of a few dps, and some healers, add me to real ID

I am not finding your guild on the armory. Please link it, also if you are EU, someone will need to start an EU thread and manage it. =)

Also please keep the guilds coming, if you know of guilds who dont really use the twinkinfo forums, please let them know that this is here to promote activity to their guild.
It would be great if, after maybe a few months of gathering active twink guild information, someone put together all this in an organized fashion and created a sort of guild archives.
Awesome said:
It would be great if, after maybe a few months of gathering active twink guild information, someone put together all this in an organized fashion and created a sort of guild archives.

define organized, you want me to alaphabatize this shizzle for you?
Lmao, I didn't check just got the links and posted what I could.

It'd be awesome if it was organized with Realms too and without comments.

Or better yet, by archives does Awesome mean founding dates and logs of every premade conducted.
Opinion said:
Or better yet, by archives does Awesome mean founding dates and logs of every premade conducted.

I dont think that would even be possible, I supose I could add server names. God forbid someone have to click a link ;)

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