Unlimited Darkmoon Faire Tickets Per Week!?


Many twinks have recently made level ones on new servers; leaving them BoA-less. You'd have to sit through multiple Darkmoon Faires just to get that ONE heirloom you've been needing.

Well, now, this is changed. With this "glitch" you have the potential to get every single heirloom you've been wanting in just one week. This works because the new item you get from winning minigame dailies, Darkmoon Game Prize - Item - World of Warcraft (which drops 1 darkmoon ticket and sometimes a bonus item), is not BoP. That means that you can mail it to any toon. Now, all you have to do is the following:

Make a new Human toon (easy access to DM portal) and send gold
Run to the DM portal in Goldshire
Do all 5 minigame dailies WITHOUT opening the quest reward bags.
Send all 5 bags to your high-level "ticket collector" (it is preferred that your high-level collects all the tickets, since you can do Grisly Trophies and profession quests on it)
Delete toon, rinse and repeat.

Hope this helps you get your BoAs quicker!
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Awesome...thanks! I find that I can do the Grisly Trophies quicker on my level by farming the starting areas...herbing is a pita though :)
To any f2ps that are attached to their p2p accounts, you can simply use CRZ to get TONS of tickets.

ughgh this used to work...does it still work?
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This.. Is.. GENIUS!
Wow, this is great. Big help to get the mounts and pets.

Being able to get BoAs "easily" in any realm with this is amazing as well, but I read this too late since 5.4.2 is coming soon. >_<
This should probably be kept hush hush ;)

This post was necro'd from April ... it's been known since before then so I wouldn't worry :)

Even with 5.4.2, it's not a horrible way to get some BoAs, but definitely less appealing I'd think

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