Uh... Level 6 rogue twink?


So, yesterday I was on my new level 1 rogue dueling around in the Moon Guard Goldshire when I suddenly met a level 6 rogue. His stats were okay but he was morphed so I couldn't see if he was twinked. So I duel him, and he freaking obliterates me.

Curious, I inspect him and he's geared very similarly to a twink, and I send him a whisper. Getting into a nice friendly chat, he says I should try out 6, though I told him that I spent too much on my new 1, and I may try it out on another new character.

So I asked him why he went 6, and he responds that he used to be a level 5 twink until MoP. With ambush now level 6, he experimented with it, and says it's now his favourite twinking level. I can understand what he means. I'm afraid to duel rogues who are loomed past 6 with some enchants considering they can usually one or two shot me regardless.

What are your opinions on level 6 rogue twinks? Seems logical, and I may experiment with it on a new character.
To be honest why would you twink such low lvls i mean seriously man you don't have any stats Barly no talents or bgs
[MENTION=9075]Gulbon[/MENTION] I want to thank you for acknowledging my level 6 rouge twink even though he still has alot of work needed to be done. After patch 5.2 I will be even making more weird twink builds for my pleasure of creativity.
-Sincerely Enigmadag Level 6 rogue twink of Moon Guard:).
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To be honest why would you twink such low lvls i mean seriously man you don't have any stats Barly no talents or bgs
It isn't about the stats, talents, or BGs. It's about breaking boundaries, about doing amazing things, about striking an audience with amazement. It's about pushing your twink to the limit, even more so -than- higher twinking brackets. They're easy to create, but they are hard to play.

Level 1 twinking is about doing the best things a level 1 can do. There are achievement level 1s, PvP level 1s, vanity level ones, and even PvE level 1s.

The 1-9 community is a very awesome twinking community and probably among the most skilled twinks.

Dueling in Goldshire, outside Org, Crossroads, etc, as a level 1 twink can create a crowd of people to watch you, especially if you're the underdog dueling 15-30ish players. Unlike higher level twinks, level 1-9, especially 1, can go viral (Not multimillion viral). That 34 warrior you beat may inspect you, and see your gear. Realize how easy it is to make a level 1 twink, and create one. You have a new level 1 twink. And a new one. And a new one. People start to see them instead of just you. More twinks appear. Next thing you know, you see roughly 7ish level 1s at Goldshire at a time, some have good gear, some are sub-par, and some are just terrible, but any level 1 who gets noticed can help the community grow. Heck, Boglund, Roskmeg, and Bon inspired me to start twinking. I used to think twinking required too much effort and I thought it wasn't as amazing as it actually is. I saw them on youtube, with one of them having 3500 health and thought it was amazing. Because of them, I created a 1, a 5, a 9, a 10, a 19, a 24, a 29, a 39, a 60, and an 84.

It feels a lot better beating someone 30 levels higher than you as a level 1 than beating someone 30 levels higher than you as a 24 (-Cough- I beat a 60 DK on my 24 HPally -Cough-)

It's about being impressive, pushing the limits on your twink, and doing amazing things that people will notice. Level 1 twinking is an ego bracket, deny it or not. We want people to know we can do stuff that not even level 30 levelers can do. It has an amazing feeling.

It's not about BGs, GY farming, 7 agil chants, it's about having fun through showing your skill.

Gulbon I want to thank you for acknowledging my level 6 rouge twink even though he still has alot of work needed to be done. After patch 5.2 I will be even making more weird twink builds for my pleasure of creativity.
-Sincerely Enigmadag Level 6 rogue twink of Moon Guard:).

Oh hey, Enigma! :D It's Epsilon, that level 1 nelf rogue.
[MENTION=9075]Gulbon[/MENTION] I totally agree that people get inspired by other people I think that everyone one of us has been inspired by one another. O and hey :)!

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