<Twinks Eat Twinies> Recruiting thread


The OG Jamesb
<Twinks Eat Twinkies>
Recruiting 24s for our guild.

Started in 2008 as a 19 twink guild we premaded against the power house at the time, Laughing Skull. We won most of our matches and continue to exercise the same strategy as we did then. We still carry with us many of our original members which not only serves as proof that we are stable, but that we bring with us a unique skill set from the original idea of twinking.

Now we are one of the power house guilds on alliance side in the 24 bracket. We run both random que 5s and 10s nightly. We also offer to our premade team 5v5 and 10v10s against other members of the guild with each team led by one of my offensive leaders for a fair fight and learning experience to grow as a 10 man premading guild. This allows us to break down our strategy and really see who or what is not working or doing their individual task. Constructive criticism is what makes us an efficient and powerful force.

Not only are we a huge guild with over 140 level 24 twinks, we have or can get all the gear you need to complete your 24 twink and make it an enjoyable experience. Want to log on and be able to hop right in to a premade team for random ques? We offer that here. Twinks Eat Twinkes is almost always running gnomeregan with every stat up for grabs by any member, unlike other guilds we do not pick favorites, gear is first come, first serve, and totally free of charge for all BOEs and enchants.
As a guild linked with 2 other realms hosting major twink guilds, SCC on Argent Dawn, and Twinks Most Wanted on Sentinels, we have the unique opportunity to be able to wargame against these guilds in both 5v5 and 10v10 WSGs and 2v2 and 3v3 arenas and to group with them for premades. We have almost weekly 2s tournaments with prizes ranging from 1-10k per winner plus mounts and battle pets.

We are a very friendly, family-like guild that all gets to know eachother. We do require ventrilo to be used in premades and tournaments. We help as best we can and prepare each member individually for our premades.

For more information feel free to Private message me here or to add me on BT @ Jamesb#1135. It may be full so if i do not accept please PM me here or create a character on my realm to whisper or inbox me via mail.

Did you change ur guild name to twinks eat twinies? Wtb more of your 8 man premades that can only 2 cap us and pretend to 3-0 cap my 3 man group. While you ambush a jaja with 1200 hp.

Isn't ur guild in that failed flight gaming community? Lol
Did you change ur guild name to twinks eat twinies? Wtb more of your 8 man premades that can only 2 cap us and pretend to 3-0 cap my 3 man group. While you ambush a jaja with 1200 hp.

Isn't ur guild in that failed flight gaming community? Lol
Ah the days when Honey badger used to be friendly and promote his dear Sanctuary like it was a haven for twinks.
honeybadger you have equal or less skill than anyone from that guild i dont know why you speak
when was skill required in a trash bracket? Also stop hating on lil since she higher skilled than you lol
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Why you guys trash talking each other?

This forum is the dumps. No reason to continue and/or make it worse.
Yeah then he send twinkinfo money and got a hot head

Best you can come up with is a 5 donation i made in 2012. You reaching hard. F2ps would say the same thing to you about paying 15 bucks a month. This is a social/trash bracket where 90%+ are at a disadvantage. Cant decide if the bracket a joke or 24s take killing f2ps serious.

don't worry sally. Here ill bump for him

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when was skill required in a trash bracket? Also stop hating on lil since she higher skilled than you lol

Our scuffles were never involving one anothers skill, nice attempt to insult but that was a bit too irrelevant .... I'm sure Lil is flattered you're thinkin' bout her though!
recently noticed this guild tag in bgs. not impressed by the few i've seen. seem uncoordinated and unfocused, ambushing 1200 jajas for example .small sample size though, very possible they are outliers and not indicative of guild as a whole. have not seen you guys gy farm or afk out of losing games yet so props there. good luck in the bracket =]

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