twinklepuff 19 shaman healer


heres my 19 twink shaman healer. i havnt seriously logged onto him ever since BG exp came out so im not caught up to date on twink info for shamans.

since i havnt done anything on him im not sure if my heals still kick ass or if shaman even heal in this bracket anymore.

soooooooooooooooo... heres the armory link. other then the fishing hat (ive given up on that) is he missing anything major?

The World of Warcraft Armory - Twinklepuff @ Kargath - Profile
Did you want a more heal set or a more stat/heal set. Shamans have thousands of variations in gear, and on top of that you can vary those variations with items you would more prefer than other item depending on your play style.
13 Sta and +100 Mana on Chest? TBJ with +100HP nets you 160 HP and 150 Mana.

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