Twinking smarter (saw this today)

Senario: you are a rogue that wants to maximize agility but also have good stam. you pick up +5 agil bracers and a +5 stamina blood ring. This is the best right? +5 stam is awesome for a ring and +5 agility is maxxed on bracers!

But really +3/3 agil/stam bracer and +3/3 agil stam ring would be better.

This may be obvious to some but key (balanced) gear combos like this can be deceptive. As a general rule of thumb if you are just starting to twink: Ring slots should normally be filled with items that have at least +6 stats (eg PvP ring), bracers should have +6 stats (3/3) not (2/3), gloves should have at least +8 (4/4) stats (not 3/4).

Of course there are many exceptions to this general rule, I understand there are many ways to bias gear towards a particular stat of interest. Just something to keep in mind while gearing for balance I guess..
Great post Grabco

I'll add that Bind to Account items are not necessarily the best in slot for 19s. Items such as Venomstrike, Blackened Defias Armor, and Shadowfang (though rare) can actually be better than their BoA counterparts.
Lol that's strange, I never looked to it like this ;s
Another mistake I see people make:

They enchant an item with stamina, because the item lacks stamina.

Don't think what the item lacks.

Think what YOU lack!

For example, Mindthrust Bracers

I see some casters put +9 stamina on that only because the item lacks stamina. But honestly, 15 spellpower is better for some of you.
Best tactic is to make a base set of common twink items, see what you lack and adjust where it is most efficient. Choosing gear doesn't have to be hard.
Rayu said:
Best tactic is to make a base set of common twink items, see what you lack and adjust where it is most efficient. Choosing gear doesn't have to be hard.

/agree but i would do this at chardev rather than possibly wasting gold + time on your wow acc, of course this will only give you an idea of what is best as the best numbers dont always equate to the best gear but it gives you an idea.
One thing I want to state here is to always looks at gear as a whole.

On my 16, I was using [ITEM]Trailblazer Boots[/ITEM] +5 Hit, and [ITEM]Bard's Tunic[/ITEM] of Agility +4 Stats

Together these give 18 Agility, 7 Stamina, and 5 hit.

However, if I use [ITEM]Black Whelp Tunic[/ITEM] +4 Stats and +7 Agility to boots, I get 21 Agility, 7 Stamina and 5 Hit.

Always look at ways you can compensate stat losses or stat gains in other pieces of gear, especially when deciding enchants.

(Note: I've yet to have the Tunic because I need an ally to transfer it over. =S)
A lot of the time I see casters running around with lopsided enchants that actually lose them stats. The best example is them putting +7 Intellect on Bracers that aren't Mindthrust - You'd always be better off going Mindthrust with +9 Stam! (For example, they take 2/2 bracers over MT (or +4 stam over +4 int, etc) since they want to 'stay balanced', but then pump in some Intellect. Overall, they'd be gaining +9 int / +2 Stam. But guess what? Switch it up with MT with stam instead, and suddenly you have +9 int / +4 stam.

Another common mistake I see is using offhands coupled with non-matching bracer enchants. +SP on your offhand is fine if you also stack SP on bracers, but if you're using a +Stam enchant with it then I suggest you rethink your gear >_>
iaccidentallytwink said:
One thing I want to state here is to always looks at gear as a whole.

On my 16, I was using [ITEM]Trailblazer Boots[/ITEM] +5 Hit, and [ITEM]Bard's Tunic[/ITEM] of Agility +4 Stats

Together these give 18 Agility, 7 Stamina, and 5 hit.

However, if I use [ITEM]Black Whelp Tunic[/ITEM] +4 Stats and +7 Agility to boots, I get 21 Agility, 7 Stamina and 5 Hit.

Always look at ways you can compensate stat losses or stat gains in other pieces of gear, especially when deciding enchants.

(Note: I've yet to have the Tunic because I need an ally to transfer it over. =S)

Because I'm sure that it works out so well not having minor speed, am I right?
germs said:
Because I'm sure that it works out so well not having minor speed, am I right?

It's just an example, go troll somewhere else. Of course I have Minor Speed on 2 other sets of boots.

I'm not surprised that someone called me out on that, especially not surprised it was you, lawl.
minor speed is not the greatest 19 enchant by the way...

in a game, a defensive priest is alot better without it then with it. as he doesn't need to have minor speed to survive. all he need would be to stay with people who can defend him if need be. following an FC is another thing. but most people tend to out run their healers even if you have minor speed, making this a moot point !

as for the balanced gears, this is common sens.

if you start gathering on one stat, of course the other will be missing something.

but assuming that people didn't play right because they placed +9 stam on MB is strickly non-sens. one could want to maximise intellect while keeping a decent amount of stamina since he is missing AGM or something like that. i do agree that unless you are missing a lot of stamina, the +9 stam on bracers is not such a great option. but with leg patches and fishing boots out of the way... getting stamina has become quite hard to get !
ArthurianKnight said:
minor speed is not the greatest 19 enchant by the way...

in a game, a defensive priest is alot better without it then with it. as he doesn't need to have minor speed to survive. all he need would be to stay with people who can defend him if need be. following an FC is another thing. but most people tend to out run their healers even if you have minor speed, making this a moot point !

Are you kidding? Speed is most important on defense. You have to make sure you can keep up with the rest of your defense, especially the FC. You don't want to give the opposition any assistance in trying to separate you from the FC. And what exactly would you be exchanging it for? +stam? If you're worried about health, Speed will actually help you since you can turn off and knock off a quick bandage - and get back in the action again - faster. Now, back when Fishing Boots were still around this could be argued - Vitality on Boots were pretty damn useful. I kept two pairs around, one with Boar's and one with Vit, so I could help regen up again in between waves. Nowadays, though, there's no excuse for not having Speed if you're in a serious 10v10
Agreed. When I play hunter (I know everyone, sorry I play a hunter if I play a DPS class /noob) but anyway, my main job outside of the FC is to keep both healers slowed with a nondispellable heal whether that is wingclip or hamstring from my pet. You really dont want to become separated from your FC and not having minor speed screws you big time.
Grabco said:
Senario: you are a rogue that wants to maximize agility but also have good stam. you pick up +5 agil bracers and a +5 stamina blood ring. This is the best right? +5 stam is awesome for a ring and +5 agility is maxxed on bracers!

But really +3/3 agil/stam bracer and +3/3 agil stam ring would be better.

This may be obvious to some but key (balanced) gear combos like this can be deceptive. As a general rule of thumb if you are just starting to twink: Ring slots should normally be filled with items that have at least +6 stats (eg PvP ring), bracers should have +6 stats (3/3) not (2/3), gloves should have at least +8 (4/4) stats (not 3/4).

Of course there are many exceptions to this general rule, I understand there are many ways to bias gear towards a particular stat of interest. Just something to keep in mind while gearing for balance I guess..

Sort of a common sense post, but to those that are new to twinking this isn't bad advice. The 5 stat armor is very decieving instead of 3/3. Just got to get gear together and peace together sets that you like.
Hunter totally need minor speed to make up for the fact that Concussive Shot and Wingclip aren't OP enough.
I've just been looking at the posts here about boot enchants, gear sets ect and I find it amazing how people dont value minor speed.

Which is why I looked at your post and decided to comment, not knowing every detail of your worthless twink.
I could write an essay on why Minor Speed is essential if you want to be good and people still wouldn't get it.
Ertai said:
I could write an essay on why Minor Speed is essential if you want to be good and people still wouldn't get it.

It's a shame they took out Boots; I miss my Vitality on offense :'(
germs said:
I've just been looking at the posts here about boot enchants, gear sets ect and I find it amazing how people dont value minor speed.

Which is why I looked at your post and decided to comment, not knowing every detail of your worthless twink.

Because your twink is worth something.

Oh man your pixels are better than mine.

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