Twink on Many Realms

I really need these items on Frostmane.

-3/3 Eagle Bracers.

-Tabard of (Any TcG)

I really need THESE items on Staghelm.

-4/4 Monkey Gloves.

-Shadowfang(+15 agility)

-Assassin's Blade(+5 damage)

-Tabard of Frost(Or Any TcG)

I really need THESE items on Terenas.


And thats it for now
i have tcg tabard points on frostmane msg me ingame or here on either holybandaids dorkie or hits ill be on 2nite, tabards i can actually send to any realm any faction
Sorry i didnt specify, only horde, not really worth going through the trouble, but great to see other twinks from Frostmane :D

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