Twink Nostalgia Thread


My best times
1)Vanilla and burning crusade twinking
Having one of the first perfect 19's followed shortly by one of the first perfect 10's
Coordinating with other guilds over Ventrilo? I think it was to try and get in the same wsg
Having a level 10 with 120% dodge, level 60's couldn't even hit it with melee. Of course, any other kind of damage one shot it.

2) Current timewalking

3) legion pre-expansion invasion events
So much fun destroying everything in the zone.

My worst times
1)when they split 10-14 and 15-19

2)Whatever expansion it was when we scaled on ilvl and had to wear white items like 2x The Rock Rings and Problem Solving Pendant

3)Anytime twinking was basically non-existant

what's yours?
The best times is when a new expansion drops and I get to see some of the content from the previous expansion and go "Boy am I glad I didn't engage in whatever stupid grind they introduced to timegate and stretch the content out."
SL Twinking.
World farms & broken BoE Greens.
epic-fast BG ques.

GOtta put Wrath up ere, when I first go into level locked toons

Little bit in Legion, when I realized you could enchant looms & sent a kit to a lvl 20 Pally & went around the world doing silly things, like
Soloing Gnomer, mining in Un'Goro & fishing in the Badlands & Swamp of Sorrows.
The best times is when a new expansion drops and I get to see some of the content from the previous expansion and go "Boy am I glad I didn't engage in whatever stupid grind they introduced to timegate and stretch the content out."
Spending the entirety of Shadowlands BoE grinding for those tertiary + socket procs, only to be completely irrelevant gear in DF. lol.
2)Whatever expansion it was when we scaled on ilvl and had to wear white items like 2x The Rock Rings and Problem Solving Pendant
Nice to see another legion hater.
As much as I thought wearing high ilvl whites to cheese the mechanic was ugly, Legion Template scaling is a time I look back on quite fondly. They should revisit that, it was honestly some of the best low level pvp has been since TBC/WOTLK. i only wish it had bit a touch more sophisticated. "oh, youre wearing crit gear... you get a high crit template. Haste gear? heres a haste template" etc
Best time for me was farming Nightreaver back in Cata's Starter Edition.
I don't really have a particular time I hate, but I do loath Hunters that had Bramble Staff when it was busted.
As much as I thought wearing high ilvl whites to cheese the mechanic was ugly, Legion Template scaling is a time I look back on quite fondly. They should revisit that, it was honestly some of the best low level pvp has been since TBC/WOTLK. i only wish it had bit a touch more sophisticated. "oh, youre wearing crit gear... you get a high crit template. Haste gear? heres a haste template" etc
I agree with you on the quality of the pvp. It was just wearing the whites that didn't sit well. That was also the expansion we farmed wod rares wasn't it? That was pretty fun
I agree with you on the quality of the pvp. It was just wearing the whites that didn't sit well. That was also the expansion we farmed wod rares wasn't it? That was pretty fun
That was SL. Golden age

The glorious confluence of try hard gear farmers and class abilities

You could slap together a toon in a day, or you could farm for months and get a reasonable gear edge.
When I first played I eventually managed to get a character to 29. Going into 0-2 battlegrounds and winning them made me grin.
My best times
1)Vanilla and burning crusade twinking
Having one of the first perfect 19's followed shortly by one of the first perfect 10's
Coordinating with other guilds over Ventrilo? I think it was to try and get in the same wsg
Having a level 10 with 120% dodge, level 60's couldn't even hit it with melee. Of course, any other kind of damage one shot it.

2) Current timewalking

3) legion pre-expansion invasion events
So much fun destroying everything in the zone.

My worst times
1)when they split 10-14 and 15-19

2)Whatever expansion it was when we scaled on ilvl and had to wear white items like 2x The Rock Rings and Problem Solving Pendant

3)Anytime twinking was basically non-existant

what's yours?
My best:
Vanilla on my 19 Gnome Rogue named Garden. I had everything on that BiS. I even won the SVG fishing tournament I was doing that so often. I could basically take and win a WSG solo if the other team had no twinks. I basically 1 shot anything in there. Yeah, it was stupid OP, but the amount of time I put into the 19 was insane. We didn't have xp off, and the fishing tournament was always something that required you to have a second account or a high level to kill all the mobs that would aggro you along the way. I remember farming the trinkets with a twink guild. We would be doing it at 1-6am because it had the least among of competition late night. I would set my alarm, wake up and do it and go back to bed. Absolutely just crazy to get the trinket done.

Second Best: BfA with my ret during the first season. Absolutely just melted things until they nerfed it.

My current 11 Fury Warrior was a 19 warrior twink in Vanilla. He wasn't as decked out as my way I was doing the fishing gear + trinket grind more than once. Was on my "carry account".

I had to delete the 19 gnome account because wife aggro - yeah I get I was WAY too into WOW and pvp on that char was addictive. I couldn't stop myself because it just felt so good steamrolling and winning most of the day. Even when we did twink vs twink fights in WSG, no one on my server that was Horde could beat me 1vs1. I absolutely wish I didn't delete the account and could get it back. I tried when I came back years later but it was gone.
Good times! Thanks for sharing. We also set our alarms to get up in the middle of the night for the arena trinket. And of course, fishing every tournament. I had 2 trinkets on my 19 rogue-Zly and 2 on my 10 rogue-Boderek

I should have included the guild, Gnomeland Insecurity, as one of my best times. We really had it rolling for a while with some of the best players in the US playing with us.
I had a 60 Paladin back in OG wrath, Fourtyoz. Expansion Locked. T2.5. Grand Marshals Claymore. AV spamming (no 69s). It was awesome.

I was curious if any 60s were poppin to re live the nostalgia. They are, but for EU time.

But one thing I'm gunna complain about is the availability of TBC socket gear. In OG wrath We would start a TBC 14 day trial in order to get access to all the gear because you couldn't get into the dungeon otherwise. I didn't use the gear because in AV because everyone was either on the same playing field (T2.5/PVP/Occasionally the GF'd T3) or levelers. On Warlame you can just go get the socket gear. So the health pools and strength are wildly different from what they used to be. Also donation Prot warrior are fucked to play against.

The few raids I did were fun but the only reason I twink is to pvp and it wasn't fulfilling the itch.

It's just not the same :SadgeW:
I had a 60 Paladin back in OG wrath
I had a lvl 60 dk I made in wotlk horde side, still have vivid memories of being cave camped by alliance all day lol. Good times though when I got wsg every now and then.

I think my favorite times twinking would probably be my 29 hunter in wotlk, a self funded character I made selling things on the ah and pestering strangers for enchants etc.The bgs were a lot of fun as well and world pvp was a thing. I remember fighting this random rogue tiwnk at nesses camp in stv, lost a bunch of times but it really motivated me to be a better player overall.

My second favorite time of tiwnking is when patch 7.3 came out and dungeons started to scale to your lvl, had a blast just tanking stratholme on my 49 warrior. Thats how I got barons mount lol.

Also had a lot of fun queing with other 60s when blizz readded twinks to regular bgs for a few months, was hilariously op but fun.
fond of days when friends were trying to get me to play classic/tbc with questionable success.
fond of days of dk in wrath bgs.
fond of days the game wasn't a visual soup.
fond of days stat distribution was not in the hands of toddlers.
fond of days gear were solid and not a hamsterwheel.
fond of days characters had movement direction snapping.
fond of cata water jumping bug days.
fond of cata level 20 days and 10k honor grinds to get heirlooms on characters.
fond of loosing 1v1 to Mysterios because of a miss on my weapon throw.
fond of days grinding mop reps via lfd and open world with Magsquad.
fond of mop ptr days and its goofing pvp ganging days when you couldn't get reported.
fond of wod leveling rogue in 90-100 pvp.
fond of days trying to get friends playing the game again in mop / legion with questionable success.
fond of legion pvp tamplets days.
fond of getting bis legendary for ret pala after a win and personal carry of wsg
fond of getting Loque Nahak on level 20 after decade of wishing for one.
fond of days when mass puling mobs in dungeon was a status symbol and not a degen level 10 thing.
fond of days realms meant something.
In another decade will be found of what season 2 of Warcraft Diss Enchant brought to this universe.

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