Twink Info Banner


The Druid
Hi Everyone!

Daman has asked me to make a new banner for twink info and I need YOUR help to do it.

Post screenshots of any of your twinks, in 1 of the 2 directions.


Standing either slightly to the left, or slightly to the right.

Needs to be a full body image.

You can perform whatever pose you want in the screenshot, as long as you are in 1 of the 2 directions. You cannot have your character facing straight.

It would be nice to get everyone's pictures on it, but I know that not everyone will see this post. I hope that most people do, and present their screenshots to TI. Thank you.

WARNING: This entry will only last 1 week.


yes, I do realize I am still wearing my nethercleft pants, and I am not even close to BiS.

I understand if you don't want to use it.

may be too big

it's my 39 twink in his pirate RP set

edit: damn it, forgot to display my hat and cloak. give me a few and i'll upload another

There we go
Herro People.

Here are my two beasts.

Best screen shots evar!

My rogue outside of org

Me and my best friend in BB (This is my Warrior)

Ill post a pic of my mage in a few.

Here is my mage.


Heres my Huntard.


I ran out of twinks! xD

not sure if this is how you wanted it or not

(If only using one preferably use this one or the one below.:) )

(If you want classic look - If only using one preferably use this one or the one above.)

(Level one) ?

Thanks for making a banner, I'm looking forward to see the outcome. Good luck :D

But my account is currently frozen, can't take any new ones.

Lindenkron you can possible take a screenshot from the WoW armory, weapon won't glow though. :'(
PureCraft said:
Post screenshots of any of your twinks, in 1 of the 2 directions.


Standing either slightly to the left, or slightly to the right.

Needs to be a full body image.

Just gonna point this out again.
I did it correctly, no?

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