<Twink Inc> is looking for all twink levels to join, if you have a twink that needs a guild on Kel’thuzad. We are looking for every bracket: 19 - 110. We hope to soon be an active and social guild as well, the guild currently holds some TOP twinks in both the 19 and 29 bracket, and we hope to expand that as well.
What will you do at these brackets? Simple, anything that you are able to do pertaining that bracket, level 19,29,39,59 will run battlegrounds, do world PvP, and help Guildies run dungeons to get their BiS gear. For the raid brackets we will be running the raids that are for that specific level. 60- MC/BWL you get the point there.
What class should I twink? This is a wide known question that almost everyone does asks me from time to time, and I say the same thing over and over, read about some of the classes see the abilities you get and just picture if you would have fun or not with that certain class, having fun > being top DPS.
Why twink? This is a short answer, simply because its fun, its enjoyable, and it brings new game-play to you and different things. Bored at max? try Twinking? Don’t like max? try Twinking…etc…Overall the Twinking experience is fun but you have to have the right people with you to do, and that is why we want you to join us!
If you are interested in trying out Twinking, come on over to Kel’thuzad Alliance US and do /who Twink Inc and ask anyone online for an invite. Or just add me on Bnet @Parz#11594
Thank you!
What will you do at these brackets? Simple, anything that you are able to do pertaining that bracket, level 19,29,39,59 will run battlegrounds, do world PvP, and help Guildies run dungeons to get their BiS gear. For the raid brackets we will be running the raids that are for that specific level. 60- MC/BWL you get the point there.
What class should I twink? This is a wide known question that almost everyone does asks me from time to time, and I say the same thing over and over, read about some of the classes see the abilities you get and just picture if you would have fun or not with that certain class, having fun > being top DPS.
Why twink? This is a short answer, simply because its fun, its enjoyable, and it brings new game-play to you and different things. Bored at max? try Twinking? Don’t like max? try Twinking…etc…Overall the Twinking experience is fun but you have to have the right people with you to do, and that is why we want you to join us!
If you are interested in trying out Twinking, come on over to Kel’thuzad Alliance US and do /who Twink Inc and ask anyone online for an invite. Or just add me on Bnet @Parz#11594
Thank you!