So i need to know the best healer classes for 10-19 and 20-29, i can guess its disc but since the changes i'm lost on whats good and whats bad now
Hey there, Jinxxed!
So we're actually in a really cool spot at low level brackets for the first time in years, where there are actually quite a few healers that I would all qualify as viably the best.
All of their Target Dummy Healings-Per-Second are within about 50% of Spellpower of each other (roughly 400%-450% per second), and they all have utilities that are very specifically suited for certain tasks.
I would point to Restoration Shaman and Discipline Priests as probably being the lower skill floors and higher skill ceilings of the 6 options (meaning that they are easier to play when you're new to them, and extremely impactful once you're experienced with them).
Restoration Druids and Holy Priests tend to be harder to use effectively, since they are a lot easier to punish for poor positioning / heal efficiency.
Since the Battleground meta at 10-19, 20-29 is very focused on Survival Hunters, I would highly suggest Holy Paladin if you have any experience with it.
Divine Shield will often waste a full burst combo from a Survival Hunter, and you can Hammer of Justice off of cooldown onto the same hunter to effectively kill him whenever he isn't able to use trinket. The predictive healing with Bestow Faith can be a little tricky to nail down, though.
Hope this helps, and feel free to ask any specific questions you may have!