Twink Healer- Which class?


I am debating making a 60 twink healer and I was wanting some input on the healing classes. Also, any pro/con lists would be wonderful. I have searched, and am finding it hard to find an up to date healing discussion for the 60 bracket since it has just been recently fixed in terms of battle ground queues as I recall. So, any help on this matter and non flaming would be wonderfully appreciated. Thanks for all help in advance!

P.S. I am leaning towards druid or shaman, but I personally enjoy all the healer classes. I like mobility/utility, so paladin probably would not be for me, but I am not 100% certain on that. Hope that helps.
Paladin = Never run out of mana, Never die, Heal people for all their health in one heal, Do the high dps via Exco spam. Paladins are fucking amazing.

Priests = Almost never run out of mana, Never die when bubble is up, Heal people for 3/4ths of their health in one heal, Keep everyone alive w/ bubbles that absorb 6000+ damage, Annoy classes w/ your ranged Disarm and AoE fear. Priests are fucking amazing.

Resto Druid = Run OOM a lot, Die... regardless of barskin, Heal people w/ HoTs, Buff w/ MotW..... Druids are not amazing.

Resto Shaman = Run OOM a lot, Die.... , Earthshield for sick PvE action..... Shamans are not amazing
ok. How are elemental shamans or caster dps for that matter in your opinion msragepaint?
Also, is the priest healing wise in disc or holy spec for pvp? Just wondering, since I know 60 can be different from the norm sometimes.
Well, basically, you're gonna fail in MC..... yep, expect 1.3k DPS in BiS gear w/ raid buffs. PvP wise, you aite, nawmsayin you do that aite burst yeah, you got some pretty good utility too nawmsayin jus throw a lil purge here and a lil purge there and you do ok. You gonna get raped by rogues though. Everyone gets raped by rogues.

Priests nawmsayin you gonna be that disc priest, yeaaaa throwin shieilds up in this BG, OOOOH HEALS OOOOYEAAAHh OFF THE CHAIIIINNNN


you aite.
okay, please speak in correct english. Also, how are casters in general was my original question, providing elemental shaman as an example of a caster. I guess I specifically need to state it but, "how are mages, warlocks, boomkins, etc. at 60?" Just a small overview like crap or good with a small reason why would be wonderful. I am trying to figure out playstyle, and unfortunately, the healers I would want to play are not good which is understandable due to their high mobility.
Aite dawg so ima help you out here nawmsayin, aite so lets get this straight... you got this one class that is overpowered as all hell nawmsayin, now i aint sayin it aint hard to play a mage nawmsayin but the first night i had a mage at 85 i got to 2400 in all green gear nawmsayin, so yeeeeeaaa your boy here mite get rickrolled at 60 by mages, maybe, definitely, always. Mages are the absoloute strongest classes, able to to chain off over 10k damage with TWO moves, and then they have essentially 11k hp, infinite cc, and infinite mobility. Yeaaaaaa you know, your boy here thinks that mages are kinda op nawmsayin dawg, ya feel me? Yeah they op. Aite so next caster, you want a warlock? You bes go buy youself some life insurance and jump offa bridge nawmsayin, they just a free kill up for grabs nawmsayin, they aint much good at all. Aite boomkin goes like this: You die. You Respawn. You Die. You Respawn. Aite yo boy thinks you get the picture. Aite so yeah it may seem like all these castin classes are underpowered and yeah its true nawmsayin if you aint a mage you aint gonna live, you just gonna get rickrolled by a mage nawmsayin..... sad truth. Aite so you wanna be a healer yeah? Aite yo boy here knows what you be thinkin aite so its like you gonna roll disc priest and you gonna heal nawmsayin, we gonna be up in this WSG cappin flags like BOOOOOOOOM, BOOOOOOOM, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, yeah yo boy thinks you better be rollin that disc priest if you lookin for anykindasortafasion of healing nawmsayin. yeaah.

Aite so i know you readin this and be all like "Man Darnell it seems like ya boy here aint never gonna find a class here that I like" and ya boy Darnell says this to you..... Look mang, nawmsayin I know you wanna be this class rite, thats cool and all but ima bout to lay down the law of classes. Aite so you got Mages.... dey the best. You got paladins.... they the 2nd best..... You got Rogues, dey the 3rd best.... You got Priests.... dey the 4th best. Aite so ya boy here jus explaind all these mugs up in here... nawmsayin if you want that indepth explanation you trippin cus its just like these fou classes i mension above they all doin damage and healin and killin..... yeah so if you wantin to twink you bes be one of them if not you gonna get rickrolled.... yeah thats about it.

Ohyeah before ya boy leaves this typin chaos, yo first question about example of ele shaman and all yeah so ima hook you up rite quick dawg nawmsayin.... aite so basically here's what yo gonna do.... you gonna see one of dem fros mages i be speakin bout nawmsayin you gonna be like "oh coo this cat only has 6k hp i got this namwsayin" and you gonna be all like HOOOAH PURJ OH YEA, HOOAH... ELEMENTAL MASTERY OAITE, YEEEAAA INSTALAVABU- then yo dead because that mage jus fros bolt ice lance combo'd you for 11k damage. Aite so now you respawin in yo GY aite you all mountin up and runnin out you see one of dem Paladins aite so you thinkin "Ohhhyeaaaaa time to redeem myself i got this" then you all like "HOOOAH PURJ OOOYEAAAA, ELEMENTAL MASTEY OOOOAAAAAIITEEEEEEEE, YEAAAABOY INSTALAVABUR- then yo screen fade and you all dead from a HoJ and 4 excorcism's aite. So yea yo boy Darnell startin to think you get the picture, but aite we gonna touch up on all fou of dem classes i mension above. Aite so now we got yo rogue. Aite so you jus respawn from dat paladin nawmsayin aite so you mounted and all, you runnin down midfield WSG singing "Haaaaaaaaaaaaving the timeee of my lifeeee (aite cuz you see no mages no paladins nawmsayin so you thinking you got dis chance at a win)" aite then all the suddon "BOOOOOOM" you stop movin you all like "OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP YA BOY DARNELL DUN TOL ME BOUT THIS AH CRAP WHAT HE SAY TO DO?" aite then baiscaally you gonna get a garrote silenc aite so you cant cast aite that las for four secons aite so yeah you thinkin "aite so im silenced aite so lemme... nope cant do that.... maybe drop a ... nope.... what if i... nope.... maybe i can do a.... negatron" aite so then after that happens aite yo screen gonna get dark and you gonna be dead from dat lil rogueyrouge who is now caniblzizing yo corpse and /dancing with his lil mage n paladin buddies in midfield. Aite so you respawn one mo time and you like "fuckin bullshitman /afk" aite so you outa that bg aite nawmsayin and yo in elwyn because all the pros log out in elwyin nawmsayin aite yo gonna see this 5k hp disc priest in all GM gear nawmsayin so you thinking "aite ya boy gots this fight i can take a swwy priest" aite so you challenge him and then you like "OOOH YEAAAAA PURJ, ELEMENTAL MASTERYYYYY AYWWWWW EYEEEEEEEEEEE, BOOOOOOOOOOOOM LAVABURS-" aite then yo screen fades black because you jus got hit w/ reflective shield for 7809 damage nawmsayin aite so you got killed even tho duels only bring you to 1 hp because dem pries so op nawmsayin.

Yea yea yea, aite so ya boy pretty much wrapped up all the scenarios for classes you gonna see and fight as a shaman aite.... so yeah, das pretty accurate information nawmsayin, yeah yo boy darnell wouldn't lie to you dawg this is straight how it is nawmsayin and i know it seem a lil bad and yeah its a lil imba, but yeah sometimes idk maybe once in /played 35090 Days, 13 Hours, 23 Min you get this moment where you actually win a fight so it seems all rewardin n shi... Yeah.

please stfu and go troll somewhere else.
if only I could understand a single word of it. By the way, that just screams, "DO NOT HIRE ME!" to everyone in the world when you drop into that ghetto crap you call "ebonics." In my book, that isn't even a recognized language or dialect, its a form of gibberish.
resto shamies in duels never go oom since their lightning bolts, give them mana
Anyone have any opinions of healers they would like to add or state please? I would like more than one person's "ghetto" idea of healers. I would do pve and pvp with the healer in question, so any thoughts on ALL healing classes would be appreciated. Also, maybe some ideas of their dps specs too, since I will most likely get bored at some point and wish to try out a different spec/playstyle to keep the class from becoming stale. (elemental shaman, enhancement shaman, ret pally, spriest, etc. you get the picture)
Hi Ugarak.

I can`t speak for all healers as I haven`t tried them all and I`m not THAT experienced in the bracket, but I did have a 60 druid that I have now levelled to 70. I also have a Paladin and DK twink at 60 (primarily for PvE but I have done PvP on both). I can`t speak for Shamans in this bracket though.

I recommend trying a druid. The bonus is you can always go Boomkin/Feral offspec for some nice variety. You will be a little vulnerable and survivability ain`t that great at 60 but they have good overall HoT healing and you won`t go oom much providing you go for a decent amount of mana. Boomkins also have some sick burst. Paladins won`t go oom but I found Holy to be boring as hell, although Prot can be fun.

If you really wanna piss people off, and upset some of the community too, I recommend rolling a 64 resto druid with good health and stack some res, you also get lifebloom and will be a bit of a pain to kill.

A discipline priest is also very powerful. With decent gear, PW:Shield absorbs easily over 5k. Combine that with Reflective Shield and you got some OP spell. Mana burn is very useful (use with PI and/or Lifeblood). You also have some nice damaging abilities. I have never really ran into mana problems.
Msragepaint said:
Aite dawg so ima help you out here nawmsayin, aite so lets get this straight... you got this one class that is overpowered as all hell nawmsayin, now i aint sayin it aint hard to play a mage nawmsayin but the first night i had a mage at 85 i got to 2400 in all green gear nawmsayin, so yeeeeeaaa your boy here mite get rickrolled at 60 by mages, maybe, definitely, always. Mages are the absoloute strongest classes, able to to chain off over 10k damage with TWO moves, and then they have essentially 11k hp, infinite cc, and infinite mobility. Yeaaaaaa you know, your boy here thinks that mages are kinda op nawmsayin dawg, ya feel me? Yeah they op. Aite so next caster, you want a warlock? You bes go buy youself some life insurance and jump offa bridge nawmsayin, they just a free kill up for grabs nawmsayin, they aint much good at all. Aite boomkin goes like this: You die. You Respawn. You Die. You Respawn. Aite yo boy thinks you get the picture. Aite so yeah it may seem like all these castin classes are underpowered and yeah its true nawmsayin if you aint a mage you aint gonna live, you just gonna get rickrolled by a mage nawmsayin..... sad truth. Aite so you wanna be a healer yeah? Aite yo boy here knows what you be thinkin aite so its like you gonna roll disc priest and you gonna heal nawmsayin, we gonna be up in this WSG cappin flags like BOOOOOOOOM, BOOOOOOOM, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, yeah yo boy thinks you better be rollin that disc priest if you lookin for anykindasortafasion of healing nawmsayin. yeaah.

Aite so i know you readin this and be all like "Man Darnell it seems like ya boy here aint never gonna find a class here that I like" and ya boy Darnell says this to you..... Look mang, nawmsayin I know you wanna be this class rite, thats cool and all but ima bout to lay down the law of classes. Aite so you got Mages.... dey the best. You got paladins.... they the 2nd best..... You got Rogues, dey the 3rd best.... You got Priests.... dey the 4th best. Aite so ya boy here jus explaind all these mugs up in here... nawmsayin if you want that indepth explanation you trippin cus its just like these fou classes i mension above they all doin damage and healin and killin..... yeah so if you wantin to twink you bes be one of them if not you gonna get rickrolled.... yeah thats about it.

Ohyeah before ya boy leaves this typin chaos, yo first question about example of ele shaman and all yeah so ima hook you up rite quick dawg nawmsayin.... aite so basically here's what yo gonna do.... you gonna see one of dem fros mages i be speakin bout nawmsayin you gonna be like "oh coo this cat only has 6k hp i got this namwsayin" and you gonna be all like HOOOAH PURJ OH YEA, HOOAH... ELEMENTAL MASTERY OAITE, YEEEAAA INSTALAVABU- then yo dead because that mage jus fros bolt ice lance combo'd you for 11k damage. Aite so now you respawin in yo GY aite you all mountin up and runnin out you see one of dem Paladins aite so you thinkin "Ohhhyeaaaaa time to redeem myself i got this" then you all like "HOOOAH PURJ OOOYEAAAA, ELEMENTAL MASTEY OOOOAAAAAIITEEEEEEEE, YEAAAABOY INSTALAVABUR- then yo screen fade and you all dead from a HoJ and 4 excorcism's aite. So yea yo boy Darnell startin to think you get the picture, but aite we gonna touch up on all fou of dem classes i mension above. Aite so now we got yo rogue. Aite so you jus respawn from dat paladin nawmsayin aite so you mounted and all, you runnin down midfield WSG singing "Haaaaaaaaaaaaving the timeee of my lifeeee (aite cuz you see no mages no paladins nawmsayin so you thinking you got dis chance at a win)" aite then all the suddon "BOOOOOOM" you stop movin you all like "OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP YA BOY DARNELL DUN TOL ME BOUT THIS AH CRAP WHAT HE SAY TO DO?" aite then baiscaally you gonna get a garrote silenc aite so you cant cast aite that las for four secons aite so yeah you thinkin "aite so im silenced aite so lemme... nope cant do that.... maybe drop a ... nope.... what if i... nope.... maybe i can do a.... negatron" aite so then after that happens aite yo screen gonna get dark and you gonna be dead from dat lil rogueyrouge who is now caniblzizing yo corpse and /dancing with his lil mage n paladin buddies in midfield. Aite so you respawn one mo time and you like "fuckin bullshitman /afk" aite so you outa that bg aite nawmsayin and yo in elwyn because all the pros log out in elwyin nawmsayin aite yo gonna see this 5k hp disc priest in all GM gear nawmsayin so you thinking "aite ya boy gots this fight i can take a swwy priest" aite so you challenge him and then you like "OOOH YEAAAAA PURJ, ELEMENTAL MASTERYYYYY AYWWWWW EYEEEEEEEEEEE, BOOOOOOOOOOOOM LAVABURS-" aite then yo screen fades black because you jus got hit w/ reflective shield for 7809 damage nawmsayin aite so you got killed even tho duels only bring you to 1 hp because dem pries so op nawmsayin.

Yea yea yea, aite so ya boy pretty much wrapped up all the scenarios for classes you gonna see and fight as a shaman aite.... so yeah, das pretty accurate information nawmsayin, yeah yo boy darnell wouldn't lie to you dawg this is straight how it is nawmsayin and i know it seem a lil bad and yeah its a lil imba, but yeah sometimes idk maybe once in /played 35090 Days, 13 Hours, 23 Min you get this moment where you actually win a fight so it seems all rewardin n shi... Yeah.


That was quite simply one of the funniest things I've ever read.

I love Msragepaint.
Ok, I have it down to a resto shaman(ele off spec), resto druid (boomkin offspec), and disc priest (shadow off spec) in that order from most favorite to least. Any comments suggestions on these 3 would be great. I will be making a decision soon, and looking to xfer to a server with 60 twinks.
Hey ive been twinking a 60 shammy for awhile now (resto, ele, ehn tryed it all settled on ehn). Resto shammy isnt awefull you can manage and make it work but you do have serious drawbacks compared to priest/ paladin healers (lack of riptide being the most prominent.)

As for elemental i dont know what to say yet new glyph (lightningbolt castable while moving), other ele changes does look promesing but i dont know if it is egnogh.

As it is if you roll ele expect to get a beatdown of every class not used by a scrub.

With elemental mastery every 3mins you can do a decentish nuke and bring down ppl rather fast but its abit like when loladins first got instant HoW during wings, good with it garbage without.

All that said elemental might turn out to be fantasic in 4.2 i have no idea :)

Ehn i found decent, fairly good survivability with instant wolf, shamanistic rage and stoneclaw glyph it beats elemental survivability by a mile. Dmg vise ehn far surpases ele in pvp very gear dependable tho, but you can get out some insaine dmg as ehn esspecially on non be depressed if that warlock or resto drood does not die in 1.5 seconds lol :) Dont mind gemming or enchanting for passive haste tho just get lifeblood coupled with almost 90% flurry uptime. If you can get your hadns on jom gabbar + badge of the swarmguard... :) Try macroing it all into a nuke, popp it all atonce (there is no gdc inbetween any of them anymore) both trinks lifeblood 500haste pot -> 148% haste 60%+ crit very yummy... think my best is 7k dps on cloth for the first 10 seconds best on plate araund 5.1k dps ^^ comparable my 70 huntard twink just sits on 3.8k substained dps as mm.

But if its mainly for healing :p Go disc priest not that druid is crap its just hots does not cut it very well at 60s. The dmg is to high / health pools usualy too tiny. + I think you have better survivability as discos from my experience you either need to get lucky or be a hybrid to beat disc priests in 1v1 (at 60...) atleast on twinked out ones like one of my guild mates Herflick@chamber of aspects.

Another gd thing is you dont get stuck with poor itemisation (resto shammy you have tier 1 as pure resto the rest is a mixed blend of ehn resto elemental : t2.5 -> agility int hit rating, with ele 3set and resto 5set lol, works suprisingly well for ehn tho easily gives you 1k+ spellpower while still granting decent amounts of ap) Think i rolled resto with something like 15% hit chance wooooo! My heals never missed once!

Paladins are stuck with the same problem on t2.5 and same with them the spec that uses both the str/int works best in that set. Druids are in the same place as priests with a pure healing set, for them fearal gear is hard to come by and they have to pick up individual rouge pices.

When it comes to mana problems I dont see any issues for any class in pvp. Pve wise disc priests oom slower compared to r shammy but they have a harder time regaining mana while we can just rely on water shield/ mana tide totem/lightningbolts so resto shamans never truely go oom in pve. But thats not an issue for pvp anyway just drink.
I'm surprised you disregarded holy paladin. As a priest you will be the target of nearly every rogue in the game. Most will ambush and evisc but won't kill you, you will spend so much time sapped you can hardly play the game. Resto druids are alright but in general I see holy paladins and disc priests carrying teams more than I see shamans/druids. Perhaps that is just a bias view point.

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