Twink banner thingies


LOLWUTISTHIS?:Hey guys I wanted to make this thread as sort of a shop ish sorta thing where I can make you a lil' picture of you're twink that looks pretty cool.So basically I got the idea after my digital art class I took this symmester and I learned a few cool tricks.


for myself:



for twinkytoes:


for canihascookie:


for soy:


for ninedash:


for superdrood:


for restoshaman:


for grunge:


for eliøt:


for heeljoo:


I dunno, I like mine so I thought I'd try and make some for members of TI mainly for practice for my course (which im getting a fuking B in).

just give me a good high quality as you can ss of your twink and tell me the text you want.


If you do in fact want a picture of you're own from this banner shop you must do three things in your "request" for this to happen.

1. You must state what "style" of banner you want me to make for you.

Style one: Twinkytoes Style


Style two: Freestyle


2. You must provide me with a reasonably high quality picture of your twink you wan't to be in the picture.

Good image :D - Bad image D: - lololololol

3. You must tell me what text you wan't to be included in the banner.

Something else that is important is if you do choose to have a banner in the "twinkytoes style" you must tell me these simple things as well. (warning: this step can be everted if you provide a image of high enough quality!)

1. The actual name of the twink that you wan't in the picture.

For WoW model viewer purposes​

2. The emote (or action) you wish him/her to be doing in the image.

For WoW model viewer purposes​

Besides that you're all set!

Thanks. :p
Twinkytoes said:
I want it to say

"The Best of the Best"

I made two versions. The first more basic, the second with some cool effects I think.





Gracob picture by Gracob - Photobucket

Umm, Grabco are you sure you wanna use such a wierd (red) photo haha. :p

What do ya think of mine, Fred?

from a design standpoint

It looks clean, which to me is important. Textures fit well, all that good stuff. And I spose you did well on the vectoring. Goodstuff.
canihascookie said:

Text - "Nick Galvez, The One and Only."

Do watcha want with it :3

Do you wan't the outline of you're character effect like me and Toez? If so It will look really weird if the pic is of you in stealth....

If not just tell me and I'll think of something else with it.

Soy said:

Can you put my mage and my rogue into a sig?

if you would could you say

"Legends never die"

thanks man these pictures are so sick, your making some cool pictures

Sorry, I can't see the images.
Docterfred said:
Do you wan't the outline of you're character effect like me and Toez? If so It will look really weird if the pic is of you in stealth....

If not just tell me and I'll think of something else with it.

Do whatcha want with it, if you think its good, post it here and I'll judge <3 :3, If not, I can always get a better picture.
canihascookie said:
Do whatcha want with it, if you think its good, post it here and I'll judge <3 :3, If not, I can always get a better picture.


I'll do whatever, keep in mind I might experiment. All the same I hope it's still visually pleasing in the end.
Im on my laptop atm, but when I get to my desktop Ill post a screenshot. They all look badass so far.
Hey dude sorry I took so long to get the pic lol, I Said Id Post it , then I had to go out haha.

But Im Back now, and heres my pic :D

As for the Text, Could I get " Raystos Haman"


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