Twink 110-119 farming alts

Bugs Bunny

Hey all, I wanted to get your opinion on the best farming and soloing alt in the twink bracket. I absolutely loved my boomkin 101 twink in legion and would like to do something similar in BFA.

I’ve heard 110s, 111s, 115s and 119s are all pretty great right now and I wanted to get everyone’s opinions on what would work best for soloing, farming and grinding in the open world. My professions would be skinning and herb.

Was thinking a 110 boomkin with legos, artifact w/ high relic, and as much procced/high scaled gear as possible.

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For farming purposes the level to stay at is definately 110 or 111 and dh and boomy are probably the best at it from what I've seen so far. If you choose dh 111 would probably be the level to stay at, since you can enchant two one handers with leech, my 111 dh is currently sitting at 27.8 % from the talent and enchants alone.My Boomy is at level 110 ,but I'm planning to test around on another one whether 111 has more advantages.

I didnt get the full hang on dh yet but soloing stuff as boomy feels much easier to me, I can solo every nhc bfa dungeon and island expeditions, was even able to solo all 3 captains at once in the first boss encounter in freehold, the only thing that doesn't work for me is all 4 bosses at once on the second encounter in heroic court of stars.

As for gear, the artifact would probably be your best bet for the weapon slot if you can get your hands on some mythic antorus relics, but if you have any high ilvl weapon with haste on it, I'd suggest using it over he artifact. I don't know how seebreeze is performing at 110 but it'd be also worth a try since its hard to get into mythic antorus groups as a 110 right now and the 400 haste from the proc is no small amount on that level.

For openworld content farming you can just take the legendaries and azerite tarits you prefer and play around a bit, for dungeons and gearing up I'd suggest to get a selfhealing one first so either the balance boots or the guardian cloak, especially in pve the cloak + PotM azerite traits feels really OP to me, since the cloaks effect amplifies the traits, the downside of that build is that you have to stay in bearform most of the time and spam moonfire but you're basically invincible , and most of the time be on top of both damage and healing meters in dungeons.
@Cernunnos thanks for the quick and thorough response. Yeah I’m thinking about just staying at 110 on my boomkin and do what I can to get the best gear possible with the correct perks. Looks like boomkin is a farming force again so I’ll be running with that. Thanks a ton!
My 110 rogue is crazy fast the leggy boots, I farm all my mogs/twink gear with him since he's on a separate account

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