twenty fours

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Yeah, there's definitely been an increase in 24s. I see more Horde than Alliance, but I hear the opposite from Horde people :p Unfortunately, we can't do anything about it.
People notice their own faces getting melted much more than the 24 noob on their own side. That said, in my experience, and yes, I check both sides before each match to decide if I want to bother playing, horde do have more 24s, but that isn't always the case. Many times the entire game is 20s though. It's just random luck. It also depends on the time of day you play.
How funny. Me and Swagbag were just discussing this earlier today. The 24's seem to come in waves, being there for a couple weeks then being gone for a month or so. Kinda weird.

I have noticed the influx of 24's lately. It seems if both sides don't have 2+ 24's then it is weird. I wouldn't say that a certain side has more per-say though. Was pretty sweet when a 10 AP Horde premade slaughtered the 24 premade the other night. They were mad to say the least.
Yes, 24s are by no means a gaurantee of winning. I had a game recently against two 24 hunts and our all 20 side destroyed them. I had a healer following me around the entire game and it was quite enjoyable. We won 2-0, and while we could have capped the last one, I was holding the flag with 2mins to go and didn't expect the EFC to go down so was planning to just wait it out. When the EFC was killed, I was in the heal hut and had no chance to cap. Two APers were on my side too, rogue and druid.
And even when you see a 24, there are very few that actually play the class well, and not keyturn, like most of them, A 24 hunter tried to kite me today with his finger stuck to the S key the whole time. It varys.
Yes, 24s are by no means a gaurantee of winning. I had a game recently against two 24 hunts and our all 20 side destroyed them. I had a healer following me around the entire game and it was quite enjoyable. We won 2-0, and while we could have capped the last one, I was holding the flag with 2mins to go and didn't expect the EFC to go down so was planning to just wait it out. When the EFC was killed, I was in the heal hut and had no chance to cap. Two APers were on my side too, rogue and druid.

Gotta love pocket healers.

on a serious note, as long as the f2p bracket becomes more and more active, there is no doubt that the number of 24s will increase, for both sides
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I personally haven't noticed any more or less.

Keep in mind that most players who have BiS 24 twinks also have main characters they play and perhaps raid on. With that said, it has a lot to do with when you're queuing. For whatever reason, they play on their twink when they do. I haven't played end game content since The Burning Crusade, and I don't know what things are looking like right now, but it could be that a lot of people are playing on their twinks/alts right now because of a lack of content.

WSG weekend is around the corner so we could be seeing even more or less P2P toons then.

A PuG can be a hit or a miss. It's just predictable that many players shit the bed as soon as they see the number 24 and give the "omg they have two 24's, we lost, better AFK now" spiel.
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I like 24s in moderation. Faceroll matches are boring as hell. I'd rather have a good fight and lose than an effortless match and win.
Most 24's are a joke. I had a 5 man premade that destroyed a real ID group of 6 24's including 3 hunters 2 healers and a rogue.
in all reality, why does it even matter? as long as you guys populate a bracket your going to have p2ps who roll 24s. not trying to be a dick but these threads just need to stop. they're there, they're going to be there as long as you guys are.
It matters because people who roll 24s are probably too bad to get on a f2p account and gear themselves like a f2p. What reason would someone roll a 24 other than to kill lesser geared players? There are quite a few other x9 brackets getting games now and even 70 where you can do arena. I personally don't care what people do with their game time but please don't make it sound like these are anything less than terrible players who only rolled 24s because trials cap at 20. If they ever raise the trial cap to 30 or something else look out because those BiS 24s are never going to see games.
**nothing to see here**
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in all reality, why does it even matter? as long as you guys populate a bracket your going to have p2ps who roll 24s. not trying to be a dick but these threads just need to stop. they're there, they're going to be there as long as you guys are.

Agree with this. I don't like threads by 24s generalising that all f2ps suck, and then descending into a hate-fest, and I'm sure the opposite holds true, too. While I personally don't see any appeal in rolling a 24, that won't stop others from finding it something they enjoy, for whatever reasons. I don't mind valid criticism, but it seems a slippery slope to insults and slandering.
in all reality, why does it even matter? as long as you guys populate a bracket your going to have p2ps who roll 24s. not trying to be a dick but these threads just need to stop. they're there, they're going to be there as long as you guys are.

I'm pretty sure twinks existed before F2P accounts. I could be wrong.
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