After watching Arkaviun the Ally pally on SoD, I decided to try SoD again. The leveling is a lot quicker for sure, horde side seems a bit dead, lot more on ally side. I asked Ark if he did BGs, he said he got all the rep. I just want to BG and have fun on my toon. Retail is going, but so much to do. Any thoughts on where or how or what? Only 60 bg pops on SoD. Wpvp is kinda dead.
I have a horde sham and rogue 47-53, and ally SP, druid and pally high 40s. The SP and druid smack!
I have a horde sham and rogue 47-53, and ally SP, druid and pally high 40s. The SP and druid smack!