Transmog Pictures (not the same mog everyone facerolls)


Not sure if there is already a thread about this... All the time you see the same Transmog on everybody... But once in a blue moon you see someone who has a really nice mog combo that is new and not many people use... This thread is for pictures of Transmog that is 'out there' and exciting :) i will post a picture of my mog at some point on this thread.
very nice red pirate-theme, those items 1ook rea11y good on a draenei and the shou1ders/g1oves combo fit super we11

here's mine, just finished today

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looks mint, every pala is either burnished, raider or no mog ^^ what are the mog items?
Arsenal-Link is under the pic. Vessel of Dark Lady and Leg Bone Covers. There are few more purple items around for chest and legs.
Problem was the boots and that silly far too long questchain for the shield.
If you go for cloth boots there is just Sanguine Sandals from BFD in purple. Took me ages to get them and got the Silverlinked a few days later -.-^^
Arsenal-Link is under the pic. Vessel of Dark Lady and Leg Bone Covers. There are few more purple items around for chest and legs.
Problem was the boots and that silly far too long questchain for the shield.
If you go for cloth boots there is just Sanguine Sandals from BFD in purple. Took me ages to get them and got the Silverlinked a few days later -.-^^

ahh sorry my bad didnt see the link ^^ how long did it take you to complete this mog set? and gz btw never seen that set before ^^
ahh sorry my bad didnt see the link ^^ how long did it take you to complete this mog set? and gz btw never seen that set before ^^
When you know what to search for its kinda easy I guess. I just wanted a new color and to look different from every other Burnished, Tabard or Heirloompaladin.
Also Belf-Paladins shouldnt be golden!

Casonus wears Raidersgear but his overall appearance matches so well, he kinda looks like an Incubus when you see him in Bgs.
Only Male Belf with a decent look!
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this is F2P bracket thread but thank you anyway

lol, he's mainly f2p and p2p every now and then :)

edit: sorry for sounding so aggro :eek:
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