Torgast is open for low level players

i was in Oribos on a level-10 (has done SL intro skips). i was on the second floor and jumped into the center, and was ported to torgast

NPC Ve'nish was there with a quest: traversing torgast

you enter 1 of 6 torgast wings thru a post behind him. i selected skoldus, the mobs inside where level 10. i just got credit for a flawless run, there are youtube videos on doing this. i already have all the mounts from torgast, not sure if any are available to lower level players

i just took another 10 to Oribos who has not done the final skip, and was not able to drop into torgast
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So basically we have to bork the dungeon drops to be able to enter Torgast!

Does anyone know if it’s possible to skip if u’ve done all the SL quests on a 20 that u can? Like once u unlock WQ’s, will u see the option to skip?
So basically we have to bork the dungeon drops to be able to enter Torgast!

Does anyone know if it’s possible to skip if u’ve done all the SL quests on a 20 that u can? Like once u unlock WQ’s, will u see the option to skip?
Perhaps, it's not unreasonable to have a lone toon dedicated to crushing Choreghast?
Additionally, if you can get inot the Maw at 10+, there are some UHHH-MAZING loots to be had there.
Unique xMog, one of the swaggest mounts in the game, the , etc.
Could be a fine thing to have just one toon that could do all that.
So basically we have to bork the dungeon drops to be able to enter Torgast!

Does anyone know if it’s possible to skip if u’ve done all the SL quests on a 20 that u can? Like once u unlock WQ’s, will u see the option to skip?
on my 20 feral druid which has done all the campaign quests possible (b4 this patch), i do not have the option to skip. idk at what point the option disappears but it does eventually. i can get to torghast on my dh tho, so im fine w it

you take the quest to torghast, and complete the questline. it doesnt fuck anything up. after that, you can always just jump in and que for torghast via the wayfinder (the thing you use to que in the questline). the box next to the guy also has a talent tree system
Just took the double Oribos skip on a fresh toon & it seems that some loot drops at useable levels, but the loot from the FIRST BOSS drops at lvl 50.
Screenshot 2025-03-01 040714.png

I hope, for the sake of all the folks here who've been beleaguered by this peculiar bug; that the SL skip, will be able to make use of their borked toon, perhaps as a Maw-walker alone.

Screenshot 2025-03-01 035558.png
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Seems like I'm gonna have a little fun whirlwinding through some Torgast. Has anyone tried other instances like MoP-Legion scenarios, Mythic Island expeditions, Thunder King Treasure instance, etc?
talking to a F2P today

one player in SL time who has done the maw intro and the 4 zone campaign where at end you have no option to select a covenant. shows no option for SL skip, tried the jump to maw/torgast and gets ported/stunned back to oribos, can't enter covenants. when looking at maps only has one daily in each zone, a blue quest in maldraxxas at mixing pools. has no quests in log for SL, flying around zones some quests show as you get near them that are side quests not part of the campaign, this is his main focused F2P player

second player in DF time, on the past did maw skip, did the SL oribos intro, and bastion intro to a quest at first FP to slay or acquire 12 memories still in quest log. tried the jump and it did not work, was able to see and take SL skip option along with picking a covenant, did the jump, ported to torgast. checked maps, they were loaded with 3-5 dailies in each zone, when he went to a zone a lot of quests showing on the map

after going thru this conversation, i assume fresh players on a f2p acct doing the skips more than likely. not sure if they have to have one player go thru the 4 zone map campaign

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