Hello friends.. maybe i should give you a name..(Mr. Robot refference)
Few days ago i had a rbg que that lasted for an hour and a half around 3 pm central eu time.
From what i can gather 19s have 1m -5m ques during the day (correct me if im wrong tho)
And the biggest difference bitween the brackets seems to be AV. I feel like most people dont even enjoy AV at low level anymore due to lengthy queues and overall saltmine that comes with with for way too long and then ending up on the losing side..(horde wins 80% or more AV at low level EU)
And maybe it's time that we get together as a community and ask for this bg to be terminated so we can hopefully get some faster WSG, AB and EOTS pops going ^^
What do you guys think about this?
Added a poll so we can get some results and thanks for your time in advance!
Friendly neighbourhood Sicknature.
Few days ago i had a rbg que that lasted for an hour and a half around 3 pm central eu time.
From what i can gather 19s have 1m -5m ques during the day (correct me if im wrong tho)
And the biggest difference bitween the brackets seems to be AV. I feel like most people dont even enjoy AV at low level anymore due to lengthy queues and overall saltmine that comes with with for way too long and then ending up on the losing side..(horde wins 80% or more AV at low level EU)
And maybe it's time that we get together as a community and ask for this bg to be terminated so we can hopefully get some faster WSG, AB and EOTS pops going ^^
What do you guys think about this?
Added a poll so we can get some results and thanks for your time in advance!
Friendly neighbourhood Sicknature.