tired of no BG action? try XP BGs instead... warry/pally

i just leveled a char from 1-50 through XP BGs and want to share what i noticed/found out.

it is not a real guide, but it is something that maybe gives you some advice on how to have some fun in low lvl pvp without a huge community of twinks at hand.

this guide is for alliance warriors, but a pally can do almost the same with the same gear... maybe someone wants to add horde gear.

i'm not talking about BoA's here, as everyone should know what to pick and what not.

race is either human (trinket/expertise) or draenei (heal/hit).

professions should be skinning/herbalism.

gear is ordered by level.

you want at least have lot's of mats for fiery weapon, lifestealing or crusader. some stam enchants will work great too (boots, chest, bracer). later you will use surefooted on every pair of boots you get.

1. getting started:

create a char, level up to 10 and walk your way to westfall.

enter the deadmines with a friend and collect some gear, cloth and potions.




[ITEM]3480[/ITEM][ITEM]20820[/ITEM] - important, hit


[ITEM]20444[/ITEM][ITEM]7003[/ITEM][ITEM]6468[/ITEM] - important, hit

[ITEM]5191[/ITEM][ITEM]45626[/ITEM] - important, hit


fill up with whatever drops in deadmines or is in the AH.

as you can see, your carreer starts at lvl 15. it is not very useful to try it without a decent weapon and no glyph.

fill in talents to end up like this with lvl 17. from now on, just pick what suits you best... in the early 20s you will find Last Stand very useful.

2. next bracket:

not goin to link pvp rewards again!









lvl 27 is the time to change your talents! corpsemaker is THE corpsemaker.

[ITEM]20126[/ITEM][ITEM]20129[/ITEM][ITEM]4119[/ITEM][ITEM]4107[/ITEM] - hit enchantable



[ITEM]6727[/ITEM] - important, hit enchantable


3. another bracket:


[ITEM]4262[/ITEM] - use it on every CD.

[ITEM]9375[/ITEM] - maybe shov is around when you visit ulda.

[ITEM]7759[/ITEM] - update in patch


[ITEM]9396[/ITEM] - hit! maybe not needed as draenei, but you can use it VERY long.

[ITEM]9388[/ITEM] - you will want to farm uldaman anyway, so kill rev.

[ITEM]4653[/ITEM] - first ones to get surefooted.

[ITEM]9240[/ITEM][ITEM]7391[/ITEM] - cool he?

[ITEM]2820[/ITEM][ITEM]29202[/ITEM][ITEM]10758[/ITEM][ITEM]10776[/ITEM] - yep, visit RFD. it is worth it as you want some more items.

[ITEM]6723[/ITEM][ITEM]18238[/ITEM][ITEM]8174[/ITEM] - 18 hit!





[ITEM]7724[/ITEM][ITEM]1715[/ITEM] - gets an upgrade too.


as you can see, lvl 35 is big upgrade time...

4. last one pre DKs:

plate armor inc!

[ITEM]9651[/ITEM][ITEM]9418[/ITEM][ITEM]9413[/ITEM] - all the weapons you need at lvl 40... SWEET!

[ITEM]10763[/ITEM][ITEM]9387[/ITEM][ITEM]10775[/ITEM] - you will have these already, or stick to your head instead.


[ITEM]7930[/ITEM] - 10 hit.


JUGGERNAUT! - other glyphs are good too. i just like these.





5. oO DKs inc:

[ITEM]20521[/ITEM][ITEM]20517[/ITEM][ITEM]20130[/ITEM] - pick one.





[ITEM]11817[/ITEM][ITEM]19106[/ITEM] - again, nice weapons at the beginning of the bracket.


[ITEM]15411[/ITEM][ITEM]15418[/ITEM] - again, pick one








[ITEM]22384[/ITEM][ITEM]12784[/ITEM] - fo da lookz

at this point you start questing in BC content or start your classic carreer.
as you can see, there is some instance loot, quest gear and craftables in there. after all it is fairly easy to keep your gear up to date with some help.

these are the instances i would visit no matter what:





Sunken Temple


it's fine to visit all the other instances and get some more loot...but it hink these are the ones you will need to keep up to date.

items you don't want to miss:























be sure to keep your hitrating up.

19 -> 11

29 -> 21

39 -> 30

49 -> 40

...just keep at least 5%.
Thanks for sharing Basil. I have been considering doing this (to a lesser extent to you) for a while. Aiming primarily for Boas and picking up a few BiS along the way. How did you find the Xp in the mid range brackets? post 70 the xp you gain in Av was on par with grinding, i hope its not the case lower down the table.
I may try this, or level a rogue out of bracket with a similar gear scheme.
sounds interesting, but i found no excitement in BG lvling, the avg. PvE players simply know none of the tricks that you come to expect. When i can run away while hamstringed you know somethings wrong lol. Also one of the best trinkets ever is speed trinket obtained in the 40's i believe. Used till 80 lol
-Peco said:
Thanks for sharing Basil. I have been considering doing this (to a lesser extent to you) for a while. Aiming primarily for Boas and picking up a few BiS along the way. How did you find the Xp in the mid range brackets? post 70 the xp you gain in Av was on par with grinding, i hope its not the case lower down the table.

Completely dependant on how badly you win/lose. Prior to 50-59s it is considerably slower than pve, especially for those us peoples with BoA shoulders/chest or a large amount of rested xp (I leveled my ex 39 twink war upto 62 entirely in BGs... he had 1.5 bars of rested xp).

When you start AVing it picks up abit. In my battlegroup its pretty much 50:50 win ratio is AV for 50-59s while alliance "generally" win WSG and horde "generally" win AB. If your lucky enough to be on a BG where your faction dominates AV in 50-59s and you get instant queues then id imagine it being pretty close to pve.

For a absolute smashing win (all enemy towers dead, galv/balinda dead and drekvan owned) it was about 15% xp. In my experience games like that dont come along too often and when they do its usually a 45+ minute grind fest.

Few things to consider before deciding to level a toon through bgs...


--Youll make pretty much NO money, especially if you try to stay on the cutting edge as far as gear/enchants/talents go. Between epic mount, duel spec and enchanting a couple of gears/weapons ive lost nearly 2k gold on my warrior.

--Levels x0 to x5 are often a nightmare regardless of what bracket your in. Be prepared to get owned, alot.

--Youll encounter many many people that dont know how to play the game at all. Surely that rogue in full BoA gear knows how to play? Nope...


--Probably the most fun youll have in the current incarnation of WoW.

--By the time you hit 80 youll have a buttload of honor/tokens so grinding for your "starter" pvp gear will be far less stressfull.

--Levels x5 to x9 remind me of the old school days of pvp or the days when twinking was the best way to kill a afternoon.
well, it is slower than pve ... at least up to 58 where i am atm.

but you will be in pve often enough to get some gear, that makes up for some EP.

i never had a prob in x0-x5 levels, but my gear was allways up to date (well...almost). i suggest to aim at least for lvl49. the 30s and 40s are the most fun + lvl 27-49 you will get your weapons very easy. only needs 3 weapons to be up to date (corpsemaker, WWaxe, stoneslayer/rockpounder). at 51 you can get the AV polearm, but you will get facerolled by DKs. even a prot gets facerolled by keyboardturners.

having fun in 50-59 depends on the amount of DKs...after that, your gear will be on par and you gain your lvl 60 talent. besides this, the warry is very powerful...just do not try to kill a supported DK or an unsupported DK without all your CDs^^


btw, i'm not aiming for leveling as fast as possible... i just want to have some fun in pvp. grind mobs is nothing i want to do for hours anymore and nonXP action is gone on most servers. there are times you wish it was even slower! espacially at the end of 40s when you have juggernaut and a stoneslayer...
ya this is fun, ive leveled my rogue 10-28 so far in bgs in like two days, doing it with a friend so it doesnt get that boring. my gear is awesome so i dont even die. i cant wait to get to 60 and put epic gems in outland gear

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