TBC Classic
As i said to all the 70's who have spoken to me on the matter. It in fact does not allow level 70s to enter this timewalking que. as stated in previous threads you can still do this same raid by just entering the instance since the flex and mechanic changes were introduced to the permanent raid encounters.
Again blizzard makes another stupid thing in this game, Black Temple which is and was always geared towards level 70 raid content, is now offered to 71 and up, same with all the timewalking dungeons. This is only surprising because it makes approximately -100% sense. Blizzard again is dumb.
Again blizzard makes another stupid thing in this game, Black Temple which is and was always geared towards level 70 raid content, is now offered to 71 and up, same with all the timewalking dungeons. This is only surprising because it makes approximately -100% sense. Blizzard again is dumb.