~~<THUNDERING LEGION>~~ Level 60 Premade BG Squad


<Thundering Legion> on Draka is recruiting select players for our BG team. We will have 15 A-Team spots, however we are actively recruiting all 60's for pugging and wargames. If you want people to play with on a regular basis, please consider TL, the majority of us including myself play nothing but our 60's and are online most days. We have extensive premading experience, our guild was the top premade 60 guild on Vindication before battlegroups were changed, and we played 19s on Vindi as well.

Our goal is to gather together a solid team for guildvsguild premades vs. <Not in the Face> on a regular basis. Both guilds want this to happen as soon as possible, so I call out to you horde players- if your are wasting away in a guild that does nothing, or a guild that does nothing but pug, consider us. We want more than just fighting around the 64's, we want battlegrounds of our own, and the guild vs guild theme add's for a much more exciting experience.

That being said, all classes are currently open as of now. Due to bg's kind of disappearing around New Years, we lost a few people to inactivity, and right now we only have 4 people locked in for our A-Team group.

What we need:
~Priests Shadow and Disc
~ Druid
~ Hunter

These are just what we don't have atm, might have our A-team hunter coming back but as of now not sure. Again, all classes are welcome, we still have many open spots for the premade squad, for any class.

You can contact me here for more info, or whisper me on Matando on Draka.

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