Thoughts on WoW Tokens

Tom Ganks

I always liked the idea that hard work can put a player above all the rest. Grinding Professions, Making that hard earned mount that you spent countless days on and learning it. The idea that a poor man (irl) can succeed the most fortunate of people is something that I loved about wow.

But lately, I got the news (yes I know its pretty old news) that Blizzard will be introducing "game-time tokens" that will be represented as a virtual item that is tradable amongst players. At first I thought, oh hey, that's a nice way to allow lesser fortunate people afford wow. That 15$ a month can be a real hole in your pocket.

My eyes then turned to Blizzard. I thought, well, this is yet another one of Blizzard's elaborate schemes to milk the community of their wallets through micro transactions. Let's look at the positive here though..
-WoW Population will increase dramatically (I presume)
-Many people will be on more affordable monthly budgets
-Close friends may even buy you game-time without the hassle of entering credit card info onto another person's account or buying actual game-time cards.

What's wrong with the picture here though? Most people may over look it.
-Blizzard is making loads of Benjamins (which is totally not obvious)
-Fortunate players will be buying hundreds of dollars/euros worth of Game-time tokens and it won't even scratch the surface of their earnings/inheritance. Only to sell them for high amounts of gold and control their server's auction house.

As much as I envy those who have previously sold unlimited amounts of high-end mounts/collectables from tcg loot, That market will be coming to an end soon and only a small percentage of players went out of their way to even purchase the physical cards. Given the small chance they knew there was such a high market in TCG at all.
Then there are the people who use real money to purchase WoW gold from some sketchy website (which is Ban-able). I don't even bother thinking about their decision, simply because it's their risk.
Not to mention the people who insta-90 multiple toons because they can.

But this is a 99.99% safe transaction that guarantees you success in the world of Warcraft, over those who do not buy these "tokens"

Is this what WoW has become? A game that spits in the faces of the poor and rewards the rich? Sure the poor will be able to play for free. Hell even conservative wealthy people might jump on the free train as well. But the players with terrible work ethic will be able to profit more than the players who do the grinding, just because they have a larger sum of RL money? Fucked up if you ask me.

This is a new low for Blizzard. I don't even blame the future token sellers.

The lazy will become the wealthy, while the poor will be sentenced to gold-farming slavery to be able to afford gametime.

It is confirmed. Blizzard is Pro-Slavery
Illuminati also confirmed.

There was a dream that was WoW
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Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

That dude in the video is defending this because he will be (most likely) benefiting off of his new feature. He is attacking us (his viewers) because he hates anyone who opposes his ways of gold making. And they like him for it. He's an ass kisser, and so are his fans.

I'm speculating, but this is probably true. His youtube alias has "gold" in it. And he has multiple "gold farming" videos. Do I discourage gold farming? No but I wouldn't doubt it if he is guilty of making gold the other way.

And the difference between a mount and game-time is fairly large. Yes the seller will make profit. But the stakes are higher on the other end. Rare mounts are not needed to "win" as opposed to the ability to actually play is. Spending 500k+ gold on a mount is a decision, but if a person doesn't have enough real life money, buying that token is a must.

Instead, couldn't they have SIMPLY lowered the price of monthly subscription? There is no argument to be had about this. Try me.
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Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

Now I haven't been reading the patch notes that much so I am not completely sure that Blizzard is going ahead with this, but I will make my post thinking that they are.
[MENTION=17829]Roboartist[/MENTION] I don't understand your argument whatsoever. Blizzard does not favor the rich and spit in the face of the poor. They are just providing a legitimate way for players to purchase gold. I would say around 75%+ of the player base has bought gold in some way before, making the Chinese gold farmers very wealthy while disrupting each realms internal economy. So while your whole point was based around lazy rich people running the game, that can already happen. Real dollars for gold is not new to WoW, but a legitimate way for the transaction is.

What this new method does is provide a legitimate and non sketchy way for anyone and everyone to buy gold, while effectively slowing down the Chinese gold farmers businesses. I am assuming one of Blizzards main goals with this is to cut down on the gold farmers business to eventually shut them down completely.

Now one of your main points was that Blizzard was going to be making money off of this. You are wrong. Blizzard is simply getting more money upfront, rather than later. This is because for every token bought (for $15), a token is then used by someone to NOT pay their subscription, saving them $15. Also, if you think one player will be able to buy a bunch of tokens and then sell them for a bunch of gold, that is not new to WoW. Like the guy in the video mentioned above, people can already be doing that with spectral tigers etc. In addition to that, if one person were to buy a lot of tokens, that would flood the market, effectively driving down the gold price of the token in-game, making it a bad deal for them.

The reason I am all for this new change is that it is a great gold sink for the wealthier players in-game and that it will create a more balanced and healthy economy. More players with low gold will have easy access to gold, while the gold-capped players will be enjoying the fruits of their labor. It is a win-win.

Some of the reasons why I am skeptical about this change is because of the current botters / chinese farmers / hackers. Blizzard must have thought long and hard about this, probably taking special precautions, but if somehow the Chinese were able to dupe the game-time tokens, Blizzard would be in BIG trouble. Also, with all of the current Chinese farmers / botters who pull in 1+mil gold a day (that is per-person. with CC charge backs + insta boost 90, free 2-3 days multibox farming 24/7), they would be able to buy game-time tokens and continue their businesses by selling the tokens instead of the gold. It is for those reasons I really hope Blizzard has their act together and are ready to keep a close eye on those tokens.

With all that in mind I am really looking forward to this change as I will no longer have to pay for my WoW sub, because honestly, who couldn't make at least 15k/month. Even if the tokens go up to 30k/month that is still a fairly easy number to hit.
Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

It's all on which side you look at it from.

Gold buying has been around, yes. But blizzard shouldn't promote it, when they constantly ban people for doing the same thing. It encourages people to empty their pockets rather than throw money at the screen for easy "winning"

Also some people starting out or casual players will probably spend a month trying to get that gold on top of real life stuff.

"Oh hey I just bought another month so I can gold farm next month so I can buy another month to gold farm"

Now 15k isn't terribly hard. I can get it in a couple days not straining myself. But for people leveling and people who don't know how to profit well, it wont be worth their time.

edit: If implemented, They should be tradable, but not through the auction house. Much like holiday stuff that has a duration (but without the duration)
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Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

gold =/= winning......
Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

gold =/= winning......

I agree, but it gets you pretty damn far. Especially now that much endgame gear are epic boes.
Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

Blizzard will sell 500 gold... Wait for it.... For 1000 gold!
Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

My stance on it is....
I have not paid a Blizzard a single penny since the token went online. My accounts are paid up months upon months in advance.
If we could "trade" them I would have contests on here to give a some away.
It would be nice if we could actually purchase Legion with gold. I don't expect that to happen.
For now, I am content with being able to purchase game time with in game gold.

Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

Yikes! I never saw this when first posted. What a horrible analogy, or maybe it's just taking the RPG element way too far.
I always cringe when people talk about 'working' for rewards in WoW. It's a game. The longer you play it, the more you get to play it longer. Initially, you've payed to play it. Now, you're rewarded with the ability to play it more. That's tokens.
Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

To me this just means easier access to twink items, which we all know can get pricey.
Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

Blizzard shop must sell flintlockes woodchucker
Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

I posted this a while back, and have since changed my views on it. Haven't gotten around to any of it, but I figured too many people would flood the market with it. Was wrong. Carry on.

edit: I'll actually keep this open for the time being. Conversation seems somewhat healthy.
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Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

To me this just means easier access to twink items, which we all know can get pricey.

All depends on the server my friend. All depends on the server.
You can get Magefists for ~1000g on many servers. On BH, upwards of 15-20k. Same with other BoE gloves/boots/belts.
I probably have 20 Magefists, 10 Keller's, couple RoPs, all kinds of stuff on one non twink server. I have been considering paying $25 just to transfer over to sell them and buy game tokens. Good investment... Get to transfer a toon, plus I get game time out of the deal. Might do it right before Christmas holiday twink rush. Or if a transfer sale comes along.

Re: Blizzard will be Selling Gold Pretty Soon...

All depends on the server my friend. All depends on the server.
You can get Magefists for ~1000g on many servers. On BH, upwards of 15-20k. Same with other BoE gloves/boots/belts.
I probably have 20 Magefists, 10 Keller's, couple RoPs, all kinds of stuff on one non twink server. I have been considering paying $25 just to transfer over to sell them and buy game tokens. Good investment... Get to transfer a toon plus I get game time out of the deal. Might do it right before Christmas holiday twink rush. Or if a transfer sale comes along.

That is exactly why twink items are more available, people do that all the time, and it works, and its legal. Transferring twink items from low pop realms in bulk will make you a fortune, and more than pay for the game token(s) you bought on that low pop realm. This is a proven method.

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