Thorbia's Gauntlets or Defender Gauntlets of Power

8 str = 16 ap > 12 ap. and it has sta. thorbia all the way
Luhar said:
Dang, ok thank you. And also would 7 str to the gloves be better than 10 haste. (I'll be getting the BoA haste trinket soon if that makes a difference)

Get 15 agi imo, and replace your chest with leather boa one, then get [ITEM]Simple Pearl Ring[/ITEM], and get the satchel belt + cape.
Thorbias with 7 strength or 15 agility.

Eliot said:
Thorbias with 7 strength or 15 agility.


Yep and some pallies also use 16sp on thorbias which adds a bit of sting to the seal damage
Grabco said:
Yep and some pallies also use 16sp on thorbias which adds a bit of sting to the seal damage

True, although I don't use it :)
I use it sometimes for a balance set and might be good against warriors because seal damage doesn't get mitigated by armor.
yeah I have 4/4 eagles and goldflecked as well I just think thorbias are BIS for every set except healing.
Maybe not, I haven't BG'd with my pally in a while just because I've been focusing on finishing my mage. looks like I logged out in my PVE tank set though..
Hit is so over rated on a paladin. Here is a secret.. Oneidwilly doesn't use any hit on his arena sets

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