This my be rather unique - Warlock Help Needed

So I have two brothers who enjoy doing BGs once in a while, and we've had an interesting idea. We have yet to all three play in one together, but we're working on our twinks now, and have all decided to roll warlock. All three.

Now I'm thinking regardless of what we do, this is going to be slightly epic, but since all three of us are sitting about two feet away from each other, we are going to have a high level of coordination, which means I think we can get creative here. My original plan was for one person who had a higher amount of stamina and voidwalker out stay up front, an focus mainly on fearing everyone around while the two others hung back and applied DoTs and shadowbolts (one with an imp out of course).

Is this a good strategy? How much does spell power really matter at 19? (Because if we do have a setup such as this I'd probably have two of us sacrafice some stamina for more spell power.

Lastly, I just need a solid warlock build to work from since going through all the items myself is taking too long.

Thanks. :)


Good examples of a horde setup and an alliance setup. Warlocks are a bit more SP heavy since a lot of HP was lost in the nerf to leg kits/shoulder enchants/librams

Your strategy sounds pretty good, one on CC, one on DoTs, and one on just direct damage ;o
This might be fun until you come upon a group of friends who had the same idea, but rolled hunters instead.
This might be fun until you come upon a group of friends who had the same idea, but rolled hunters instead.

I lol'd irl

Even funnier when I realized... yeah its true
Xäo said:
This might be fun until you come upon a group of friends who had the same idea, but rolled hunters instead.

Well of course that's a given. Hunters would take quite a bit, but in such a case...

Curse of Weakness the pets, have the 'tanking' warlock go in shielded by the VW to take as much of the fire as possible while the voidwalker gets pets aggro (if applicable) Hopefully get some DoTs on the hunters, then realize that we haven't planned past then and start running like hell.

Yeah. Well whatever. We've decided that we're going to go and gang up on as many huntards as possible just so they know what it feels like.

Thank you Orcgasm (lol) for the links, I'll work off of that and hopefully be able to customize it more fully to suit us.

And umm.... +150 hp to chest? I thought the 100 hp needed level 30... so wouldn't 150 need at least that? :S
I think it would be pretty fun! I don't have a warlock, but good luck! :)
150 hp is a BC enchant, with an item level requirement.

They added the level req to the +100 hp enchant because it could be put onto anything. I have +150 hp on a level 1 =P, so it works.

It can also be switched out with +6 all stats, if that sort of thing floats your boat ;o
Just to clarify, 150 hp or +6 all stats may ONLY be placed on [ITEM]Inferno Robe[/ITEM] which is ONLY for horde. Otherwise you will have to settle for +4 all stats =P
Oh, well I wouldn't dream of being anything else than horde. (Blood elves more specifically =D).

I was aware of Inferno Robe's item level of 40, I just assumed that the 150 HP enchant would have same restrictions as the 100 HP.
Heeh, I'm waaaay up north.

But okay. Back on topic, is the +100 mana same as +100 hp with 30 level req. right now?
No, you can have +100 mana on chest, but not 100 HP (you can next patch the level req. is being removed)

how far way up north? Like Prince George, Williams Lake, or like houston? (spellin on that?)
I live in Terrace... more towards the coast...

Thinking about it +6 stats would probably be better than 100 mana, but since a couple of us will mostly e constantly casting, I think I'll be worrying less about hp and more about sp/mana. So yeah.
I like the +6 stats to chest imo. I also use Glyph of Life Tap, with that and Minor Wizard Oil i get up to 147sp and 167 shadow damage. Then i pop Blood Fury (+41sp at 19), thats 208spell power, not too shabby.
I really like the tri-lock idea, it sounds like a lot of fun and would probably be pretty effective.

Don't spam shadowbolt, though... spam Searing Pain. It's a little more DPS and it's way more mana efficient. Sure, it adds extra threat... which only matters in PvE :-D

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