Thinking about 70?


I'm thinking about making a 70 Twink and I have a few questions I thought maybe you guys could answer.

1) How is this bracket in terms of activity? Lots of BG's? Events? etc etc.
2) How is the community? Helpful or rude? Large or small?
3) What Realms are active for 70s?
4) What are the "good" classes for this bracket? Whats OP and what sucks?
5) Particularly, how are Warriors? Resto Druids?
6) I have a Rogue that is level 70 but I'm not too sure about him. Are there a lot of Rogues at 70? (I'm guessing there are too many already)

Any answers are appreciated, really hoping to hear from you guys and maybe kill you in the future! (Or be killed, ;) )
1) Its good. Fast ques for Bgs and arenas. Not to sure what you mean by events though.
2) This community is good, even if they get "trolly" at times.
3) Check the guild topic.
4) "Good" classes are Blood DK, Rogues, hunters, mages and pallies IMO
5) Warriors are meh. Resto Im not to sure about. Warriors are nothing compared to DKs.
6) Rogues are so mainstream. If you wanna be different go warrior, lock or druid.
Thanks for your response.

Which is the best healer at this bracket? I think if I make a 70 it will be a healer or a ranged DPS.
Personally I just prefer a Priest but Pally is basically as good. Resto and Ele are alright and Ele has a slight edge over Resto IMO. All 4 are decent though. And for ranged DPS id go hunter or as a second choice, Id go priest and then use the OS for heals. Balance Druid are weak IMO
Warrior is sick, go for it if you know how to play.
Warrior is sick, go for it if you know how to play.

only if you knew how to play mate ;) , Nah i suggest rolling a warrior without adoubt alot of fun :) and if you would want a good toon to look at look at stun's signature, far better pvp warrior then me without a doubt :) , and about your Guild / looking for a realm part, Depends if your into Fully Classic ( like me ) or becoming Over powered :)
Are warriors in a really bad place right now? I've heard they're pretty bad at every level. I'm really interested in playing one but I don't want to lose fights against players who aren't as good as me. What is te best warrior spec at 70?
I will probably be attempting to make the character as powerful as possible.
They are not in a bad place, they are just not the best. If your good at warr, play it. But in MoP they are being buffed liked hell.
Warriors IMO are underpowered as fuck :| but can be played to an advantage and yes you can lose fights with 1 mistake again imo, like vs a mage, can win but if you mess up one small thing your being one shot :)
warrior is underpowered, yes.
you arent able to win against any mediocre mage, if the mage is able to stop herplancing when spellreflect is up. you can be a perfectly skilled warrior, its not possible as you lack mobility.
lets just say, if the mage and you are on par regarding skill, you wont even touch him once
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1) Might be wrong but in terms of bg queue times and general activity i think the 70-74 bracket has the largest population for twinks.
2) Due to 1) large community, in terms of the attitude it varies upon how you approach people and who you talk to, most poeple are generally nice though, only a few rotten eggs who are consistently rude.
3) The active servers are generally those with the large guilds, check the sticky at the top for more information, i'd give more specifics but not played in a few weeks so what i previously knew might be abit out.
4) I don't think any classes "suck" everything is good if you can play it, there are a few classes RMPS which are easier to do well with though
5) Resto druids are by far the best bg healers, but probably the weakest in arena due to a simple lack of cc and burst healing, warriors damage is perfectly fine if you can keep uptime, but they die really fast against mages in particular if you aren't really good to say the least, you'll be getting flattened in bgs without a personal healer whilst youre gearing, but battle on through that :p
6) As suspected, imo there are too many, but only a handful who actually have any clue what they're doing outside of dealing damage, thus the reason why there are very few high rated rogues in arena, i rage alot in bgs cause all they have to do is dance to kill, but in arena it's a completely different story, so much satisfaction seeing them fail so hard :)
Thank you for all the responses. Another question, how are feral Druids and balance Druids?
main problem with druid in general is that the most important cc is missing, as you learn it 74 (or 73? dunno). afaik every other class got almost every cc they have at max level already at 70 (except for ring of frost).
balance is nice, but just needs cyclone too much. feral can hurrdurr a lot, but you lack cc (as the specs are balanced around the usage of cyclone).


Looks like I'm going to make a Druid.

Thanks for your help :)

nvm, have fun :eek:
Some of these responses are incorrect, especially the one about hunters being good.

1. Lots of activity, one minute 2s queues, 2-10 minute bg queues depending on faction and battlegroup
2. A very large, elitist community I would say. 2200 OR GTFO for the most part.
3. Off the top of my head, Arthas, Thrall, Venture Co, Perenolde, Frostmane, Frostmourne...forgetting some I'm sure.
4. "Good Classes" - Sub Rogue, Frost/Fire Mage, Blood DK (although frost is playable), dPriest, hPally, rShaman
"Bad Classes" - Anything Hunter, warlock (although i enjoy playing them, not many are over 2k [US]), Warriors for the most part**
5. Warriors require BiS gear, skill, and a pro healer for arenas. They get rocked for the most part, but then again, skill plays a major factor. Boomkins are good at 72+ (or whenever they get their CC), Feral is like a more survivable rogue (12k ferocious bites for the win...), and Resto is a very good BG healer, lack survivablility in the arena.
6. Tons of rogues in the bracket, most of them bad. There are tons of good rogues out there, but unless you're l33t shit, there's not much special about them. Contrary to popular belief, rogues require skill to land a kill.

**While there are classes that are severely underpowered, the comps that they can run are not. For example, sPriest, Warlock, rShaman. Seems like it would be terrible, but it's one of the better comps at 70 (if well played). If you have friends, it would be best to set up your desired comp before hand.

--Hope that helped
Some of these responses are incorrect, especially the one about hunters being good.

1. Lots of activity, one minute 2s queues, 2-10 minute bg queues depending on faction and battlegroup
2. A very large, elitist community I would say. 2200 OR GTFO for the most part.
3. Off the top of my head, Arthas, Thrall, Venture Co, Perenolde, Frostmane, Frostmourne...forgetting some I'm sure.
4. "Good Classes" - Sub Rogue, Frost/Fire Mage, Blood DK (although frost is playable), dPriest, hPally, rShaman
"Bad Classes" - Anything Hunter, warlock (although i enjoy playing them, not many are over 2k [US]), Warriors for the most part**
5. Warriors require BiS gear, skill, and a pro healer for arenas. They get rocked for the most part, but then again, skill plays a major factor. Boomkins are good at 72+ (or whenever they get their CC), Feral is like a more survivable rogue (12k ferocious bites for the win...), and Resto is a very good BG healer, lack survivablility in the arena.
6. Tons of rogues in the bracket, most of them bad. There are tons of good rogues out there, but unless you're l33t shit, there's not much special about them. Contrary to popular belief, rogues require skill to land a kill.

**While there are classes that are severely underpowered, the comps that they can run are not. For example, sPriest, Warlock, rShaman. Seems like it would be terrible, but it's one of the better comps at 70 (if well played). If you have friends, it would be best to set up your desired comp before hand.

--Hope that helped

Your response for the most part is incorrect also.
- Hunter's are actually very good if they play with a disc priest, in 3s thugcleave with a disc is actually a very viable comp, after playing it with a resto druid the thought of it with a disc priest is unreal.

- Every class is good to some point, the only class that really are 'bad' are warriors, but good warriors can still do well.

- Boomkins are good at 70, Feral is also good at 70.

- Resto druids don't lack survivability, they lack healing output, mainly burst healing on demand, after swiftmend and NS you can't top someone instantly like a hpala, rsham or disc priest.

- Rogues can land kills if they're shit.
Your response for the most part is incorrect also.
- Hunter's are actually very good if they play with a disc priest, in 3s thugcleave with a disc is actually a very viable comp, after playing it with a resto druid the thought of it with a disc priest is unreal.

- Every class is good to some point, the only class that really are 'bad' are warriors, but good warriors can still do well.

- Boomkins are good at 70, Feral is also good at 70.

- Resto druids don't lack survivability, they lack healing output, mainly burst healing on demand, after swiftmend and NS you can't top someone instantly like a hpala, rsham or disc priest.

- Rogues can land kills if they're shit.

For your first two bullets, I pointed that out in my ** section, that every class can be good with the right comp. Never said boomkins were bad, they just lack CC, and I forgot to put Feral into my good @70. I thought 12k ferocious bites kind of gave it away xD. By surviviability, all healers are somewhat "survivable", but resto druid is less forgiving and more reliant on skill as opposed to other healing classes. If you're a bad rogue, I promise you that you will not be able to land kills against any decent arena team. I've faced several in arena that couldn't even get past my bubbles.

Not trying to prove you wrong or anything, just pointing out my point of view.

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