US The weekend of the 2016 Twink Cup


Hello ^.^

We are all here today and during this weekend for one reason: The 2016 Twink Cup. There has been so much effort put in by so many people, from players, to organizers, developers, casters, team leaders, and streamers. We have all in a way been working towards a common goal, the quality of the Twink Cup. Even players have tirelessly honed their craft to bring their best to the table, and I can't thank everyone enough, it's been a crazy experience. I've learned so much from you guys >.< it sounds cliche but it's true, especially in the past year. I know that a lot of people have their differences in this community and we can never expect everyone to get along, especially in a community that thrives on competition. I do want to say that with an uncertain future in legion, we should take this weekend to put aside our differences, we should all do everything we can to get the most out of this time, and have fun. You guys are the best and good luck to everyone competing <3
Kenny brought his mic from 2015 so y'all screwed.

but still ,good luck to everyone.
TC'17 planning should start next week! Maybe even sooner.
I am very serious.

You know when you blow your load then you are exhausted and need a break before being ready to go again? They might need a little longer than a week to recover.
Some people may require a week of recovery time after "blowing their load". I am not one of those.

Notes of mistakes and errors from this TC should be taken so they are not repeated next year.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

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