The Ultimate Fire Mage (Max SP)

So you want to twink out a mage for some beastly fireball/fireblast crit combos? Or just feel like burning some face? Well this guide will show you how to do that. All the items I have listed will show maximum Fire Spellpower and the enchants needed to attain said spellpower. Ladies and Gentlemen... Welcome to...



Lucky Fishing Hat


Horde Scout's Medallion

Alliance Sentinel's Medallion


Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle


Shimmering Cloak of Fiery Wrath

Enchant Cloak - Dodge


Horde Inferno Robe

Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats

Alliance Robe of the Moccasin

Enchant Chest - Greater Stats


Shimmering Bracers of Fiery Wrath

Enchant Bracer - Healing Power


Shimmering Gloves of Fiery Wrath

Enchant Gloves - Fire Power


Greenweave Sash of Fiery Wrath


Shimmering Trousers of Fiery Wrath

Heavy Armor Kit


Spidersilk Boots

Enchant Boots - Minor Speed

Ring Slot 1

Horde Advisor's Ring

Alliance Lorekeeper's Ring

Ring Slot 2

Bronze Band of Force

Trinket Slot 1&2

Discerning Eye of the Beast


Dignified Headmaster's Charge

Staff of the Blessed Seer

Enchant Weapon - Spellpower


Banshee Rod of the Sun


Elixir of Firepower

Minor Wizard Oil

Chipped Power Core

Unbuffed Fire Spellpower: 180

Buffed Fire Spellpower: 223


5/5 Improved Fireball

2/2 Improved Fireblast

3/5 Ignite


Glyph of Fireball

Glyph of Fire Blast



Skinning - Master of Anatomy

Alchemy - Mixology


Mining - Toughness

Herbalism - Lifeblood

That's all for now folks! Now get out there and BURN IT UP! :D

This guide was meant for Horde. I shall update the Alliance version shortly.

CC Mage guide coming soon to a 19 bracket forum near you!

Info about the Guide:

Now that I understand you can't apply Minor Wizard Oil to BoA weapons, Staff of the Blessed Seer is now the front runner for max spellpower possible.
nice! i might do this....can you tell me how much hp/mana you would have? and what the best race for this would be?
Horde Side, I'd go Troll or BE. The longer you stay still, the more likely you are to die as a mage, and the troll racial allows you to move more when it is necessary while keeping up the spells. BE allows you a chance to regen mana in a pinch and get in a interrupt if necessary.
Good list, though its not max fire SP at 223 buffed. Taking Alch as a profession would give you the mixology buff to the fire elixir which would put you over 223.

Probably not worth taking at 19 unless your goal WAS to hit the buff cap. Mixology does have plenty of uses at higher level tho (Buffing Int, Spirit, SP, and Spell crit all at the same time.)
nice guide, or, gear list :) good to know
Obels said:
Good list, though its not max fire SP at 223 buffed. Taking Alch as a profession would give you the mixology buff to the fire elixir which would put you over 223.

Probably not worth taking at 19 unless your goal WAS to hit the buff cap. Mixology does have plenty of uses at higher level tho (Buffing Int, Spirit, SP, and Spell crit all at the same time.)

I believe that it only double up the duration of the elixir.
Also note that you cannot enchant the BoA staff with minor wizard oil :) I have done this on my mage, and am only missing +7 fire spellpower cloak (i have +6) and a second BoA trinket. It is extremely fun...but extremely squishy. When focused by hunters (or just 1) you die very very fast, but if you are able to stand back with berserker buff you can blow shit up, also berserker + double FC debuff = fap fap fap
Spooksters said:
Also note that you cannot enchant the BoA staff with minor wizard oil :) I have done this on my mage, and am only missing +7 fire spellpower cloak (i have +6) and a second BoA trinket. It is extremely fun...but extremely squishy. When focused by hunters (or just 1) you die very very fast, but if you are able to stand back with berserker buff you can blow shit up, also berserker + double FC debuff = fap fap fap

Thanks, didn't know about the minor wizard oil not working on BoA. What's the cloak with +7 fire damage called? And can someone prove that Mixology only increases the duration? :confused:
Mixology doubles the duration AND increases the buff amount. The buff amount is a different percentage for each different elixir recipe. The confusing thing is your buff icon only indicates a change in the duration. The tool tip does not display any increase from mixology (this really needs a hot fix in the worst way), but your STATS pane on your character sheet will. At level 49, an elixir that is supposed to give 35sp gives me 50+.

Note: While you can get Mixology at a low level, your Alch level must be one that is capable of producing the consumables you are using in order for you to benefit from it.

If you are using a consumable that requires character level 16, and 150 alch to make (but not to use) and your alch level is below 150, you will not receive an additional buff from mixology.

Again, its much more useful at higher brackets, where you can buff 4 stats at once between 2 consumables, but if you are going for highest possible SP, you need mixology.
I've been critted for over 400 by a mage like this; trouble is, they're squishy, and any class that can heal can outheal their damage. While 223 fire spell power is certainly impressive, a mage will need at least 1000 health and 1100 mana to be relevant in the bracket. While I understand that this is a "theoretical max", this build probably would not be practical. (Even one AGM would increase the survivability enormously - that 750-1250 shield is a lifesaver!)
cooperation said:
I've been critted for over 400 by a mage like this; trouble is, they're squishy, and any class that can heal can outheal their damage. While 223 fire spell power is certainly impressive, a mage will need at least 1000 health and 1100 mana to be relevant in the bracket. While I understand that this is a "theoretical max", this build probably would not be practical. (Even one AGM would increase the survivability enormously - that 750-1250 shield is a lifesaver!)

This guide, or gear list was not intended to produce a balanced twink in the 19 bracket. It was written to document the maximum fire spellpower that is attainable by a level 19. I understand there are plenty of items that would increase survivability but that would just ruin the whole point of the guide in the first place. Regardless, thanks for your comment.

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