The Stable Terrain Exploit's Ugly Brother


Finger blaster and Yugioh master
As many of you know, using a mount, you can get on top of the barn in Stables at Arathi Basin. Today I discovered a similar exploit that allows you to get on top of the Lumber Mill's barn using a Mammoth mount. I'm not sure if anyone else discovered this before me, so for now I'm taking credit :3
Anyways to do it, you have to jump onto the highest part of the circular saw in the barn. Once on it, face the North-East and mount up. Then toggle your walk key, and spam jump while moving forward, and you'll end up on top of the barn. You can basically use the same technique to get onto the very top of the barn.

The saw you need to get on top of.

On top of the first section of the barn.

The very top of the Lumber Mill.
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I've been doing this for a long ass time. Some lucky free to plays on US would have seen me up their during CTA :)

p.s your /spit's get me off xoxox
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I'm fairly sure taurens can do this on kodo's
You 20s are in my bracket forum and my bracket in game. I think I have the right to come and start friendly banter.

Bro, picture this: it's footbaII time and everyone on the fieId is pIaying by the ruIes. However, the Ieague has okayed severaI pIayers in the Ieague to pIay as if there were no boundaries because they're the reIatives of the commissioner -- they can catch the baII out of bounds, run out of bounds and run back in, and there wouId be no penaIty for them.

Even if you're the next Emmitt Smith of running backs or Jerry Rice of wide receivers, everyone's gonna be booing you.

Boundaries and ruIes are what makes games fun. Nothing's gonna change the fact that 20s make this bracket happen. 24s are Iike the dudes with speciaI priviIeges that everyone in the crowd (except other speciaI boundary-breakers) is booing.

Just because you have a paid account doesnt meant you can't Iimit yourseIf to the standard that most of this bracket pIays by. It's more fun for everyone, not just f2ps. You're the ones missing out, not us.

ReroII f2p and show us you can catch your TD's in-bounds.

You couId be the next Jerry Rice

NFL Top 100 Players 1 Jerry Rice - YouTube

but you'II never have a mini youtube documentary unIess you stay in bounds
You 20s are in my bracket forum and my bracket in game. I think I have the right to come and start friendly banter.

Without the f2ps, there wouldn't be a bracket.
Well, I got what I wanted out of this thread :D

p.s ily izac
You 20s are in my bracket forum and my bracket in game. I think I have the right to come and start friendly banter.

Characters are having some sexy badass names.
Are you sure they dont exist only to make your epeen assplode?
Hah! I kid im not going to judge you since endgame pvp is hard after all.

Also that feel when bad gangstamode goes bad and it suddenly flips to a "trolling plan"
Well, I got what I wanted out of this thread :D

p.s ily izac

you can run 50 yards out of bounds and make easy wide open catches, and proceed to run the baII into the end zone from the bIeachers and do your touch down dance Iike it means something whiIe everyone in the crowd roIIs their eyes at you, OR you can stay in bounds and make spectacuIar one handed grabs against doubIe coverage, run 60 yards down fieId shaking muItipIe defenders aIong the way as you dive across the goaI Iine

it's Jerry Rice or fried rice, cause that's aII you are as a 24, you're fried rice

something to think about
you can run 50 yards out of bounds and make easy wide open catches, and proceed to run the baII into the end zone from the bIeachers and do your touch down dance Iike it means something whiIe everyone in the crowd roIIs their eyes at you, OR you can stay in bounds and make spectacuIar one handed grabs against doubIe coverage, run 60 yards down fieId shaking muItipIe defenders aIong the way as you dive across the goaI Iine

it's Jerry Rice or fried rice, cause that's aII you are as a 24, you're fried rice

something to think about

I eat fried rice for breakfast
so you guys worship wsg flag carrier exploits like in the alliance base but hate arahi exploits?
idc about both, because i have mindcontrol ehehejkwqeFBWKÖlf
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