The player who makes your battleground a nightmare - One who makes it great - lvl 85


Greetings Twink Info Community,

I thought that it could have been nice and fun ( as long as we all keep it polite and mature ) to give a name and perhaps a reason on why a single player makes your battleground a nightmare and the one who makes your battleground great !

Example would be :

Player : Splosion

Reason : I just cant kill the damn guy, he runs the flag and there is basicly nothing i can do to stop him from staying alive and capping, it just get's me mad !

So it can either be a player from your own group or an enemy who outplayed you, out geared you and so on or a player who's in group with you and helps a lot, calls out etc etc.

Keep it positive and polite please !

Kind Regards,

- Nesy
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Re: The player who makes your battleground a nightmare - One who makes it great

I'll start right away !

Player : Larsendi

Reason : Great fire mage who does a ton of damage, helps defending and does not run blindly for a kill, actually helps co-ordinate the whole team and is always up to share some drinks.

Player : Agge

Reason : Amazing priest does his job very well and never let's you down, you can count on this pal.
Re: The player who makes your battleground a nightmare - One who makes it great

Player: Pump
Reason: best EU anyday!
Re: The player who makes your battleground a nightmare - One who makes it great - lvl

arrr F me for having a name memmory like a pile of smoked tobacco...

name: cant remember, some warr.
reason: under geared and still did well in the 3 games we had in a row (playing objective and all) and didnt see any of my suggestions as an offencive comment. good mood all the way.

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