The Place To Be!

Thought I would start a thread, Mainly Because I am interested. But I'm sure with this new patch looming over our heads there are many others like me.

For the 19 Bracket, What is currently the most active Twinking Battlegroup

For BOTH horde and alliance,

And in that Battlegroup Which Particular servers are the most populated with strong premading Guilds.

I ask because I am currently interested in rolling an alliance warrior and am looking for a Battlegroup with a strong twinking community already established there.

SO, Post your server/Battlegroup and discuss those which are most active!

+ If there are any alliance guilds interested in a 19 warrior let me know.

you're best bet for now would be rolling on Al'akir .. cant remember which Bg that is xD

But aparently when 3.2 goes live, like 150 ally twinks are moving to Al'akir to reduce WSG queue lengths etc. I personally have 4 twinks there and am planning on rolling more :)
Im looking for a US server.

Does anybody know some Active Alliance guilds particulary in the Ruin BG, As I have heard they have a decent twink population
Restoshaman said:
Im looking for a US server.

Does anybody know some Active Alliance guilds particulary in the Ruin BG, As I have heard they have a decent twink population

bloodlust represent, meat puppet, prodigy, tired of rum and alot of other good guilds on ruin ally..

revolution is recruiting people to start premading, theres a post in guild recruitment, not sure if you wanna check it out, theyre on shattered hand ally(ruin)
Nerosaturine said:
what battlegroup is best for lvl 29 twinks now? i mean is cyclone still where its at?

No. Reckoning is going to be the best place for 29s come 3.2
Restoshaman said:
Thought I would start a thread, Mainly Because I am interested. But I'm sure with this new patch looming over our heads there are many others like me.

For the 19 Bracket, What is currently the most active Twinking Battlegroup

For BOTH horde and alliance,

And in that Battlegroup Which Particular servers are the most populated with strong premading Guilds.

I ask because I am currently interested in rolling an alliance warrior and am looking for a Battlegroup with a strong twinking community already established there.

SO, Post your server/Battlegroup and discuss those which are most active!

+ If there are any alliance guilds interested in a 19 warrior let me know.


Eu or Us? :)
For EU lvl 19 twinks. The battlegroup we are all moving to is the Blackout bg.

For hordes, they will be moving to the dreiner server ( sorry for spelling :p)

and yes, allys are moving to alk'alir.
Reckoning is starting to come back, and i would say it's save to invest in some stock there :) It may just double in value!

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