The Nineteens Wagaming League Weekly Podcast


Given all the new interest in the bracket and The NWL with the second season coming, Twinkinfo in partnership with GG19 and The NWL have teamed up to create an enhanced platform for new and old user alike, to deliver a fresh perspective to the bracket we all know and love. Introducing the The Nineteens Wargaming League: Weekly podcast with Phobia and Pitter. We will be discussing new topics every week that relate to the NWL, WSG pugs, and the 19 community. We plan on making this a open discussion where viewers in chat can also interject their opinions and talk about what is currently going on in the community.

This podcast is an open minded, open ended podcast. We want people to post any topics that they want to hear more about. We also want to welcome people to join the voice chat. Me (Phobia) and Pitter are fairly new into the competitive community just like many of you. We are hoping this podcast will be another source were people can find information and/or discussion about the bracket.

NWL Twitch: Twitch
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