The new patch = 39's dead?

With the new patch making all twinks only able to face other twinks, the pool from which to draw people for a BG will be many many many times smaller. In fact I dont see how AB will even spawn and if it does it will never be full. WSG may pop once or twice at prime time, maybe. But after everyone finds ques that last all day long, less and less with que up which causes longer ques and less quein up, its a self feeding trend that will wipe the bracket out. I personaly will not sit in a que for hours just to get a half full match.

I have 6 twinks at 39 and had more in the works as well, but I just dont see how 39's can continue once the patch hits.

Funny that the 19 bracket which is the one that gives twinks the bad rep and caused this change, is the only one that will prob survive since it has much higher numbers of twinks to support ques.

I found it funny that no one on this site seems to notice just how bad the situation is. I know blizz did this in an intentionally sneaky way that makes them look like they are doin what they can to help both sides, but in reality any bracekt but 19 will die out, and they know it, they arent stupid.

If the change goes thru i will drop my second acct which is all twinks and may drop my main acct as well, im not a fan of doin boring scripted raids, or constantly grinding for gear to pvp, i hate gear grinds which you must do at 80 to compete. This leaves me with not much to do since twinking is gone. I'm gonna wait for the patch and make sure its goin thru (i dont see why it wont, no one is complaining much cause they did it such a sneaky manner.). But again ill wait til its final and see how it works out. I was curious as to what anyone else thinks will happen to teh brackets.

BTW, yes i have considered the idea of consolidating brackets on a battlegroup, but I for one cannot afford to move every twink i have, 6 fully done and 4 in the works, plus my mains which would have to be with them. Thats just nuts. However that is an option for those with one or two twinks who are finished gear wise. So keep that in mind.
AMAGAD, heaven is fallin' down on us!

goin to quit wow right NOW!

(thinking of deleting my chars first and then quit...dunno, any suggestions?)
Let's see what happens in the future and what will be implemented and what not. Maybe blizzard will sort out a solution where all players from MORE battlegroups or the whole EU which have xp-turned off is going to face each other. If it's the single battlegrounds, the queues is going to destroy it yes. But if not and they link or merge something, it will be pure awesomeness :)

Most people see this as doom and gloom but what I'm looking at to be the biggist feature is the ability to turn off exp. I think most twinks will resort to arena, which is fine by me even an improvement. But with no exp coming it makes twinking much easier to work with which could potentialy draw new players in, I think we will just have to wait and see.
I think lets wait and see. There will be more ppl with disabled XP then many may expect. Another point is, that this system will grab all SCATTERED twinks/xp disabled into one wsg/ab. Usually on our BG there are running 2-3 WSGS at least with 2-3 twinks each BG on alliance side. With the new system they will be collected into one bg, so i doubt it will be as dark visioned as u guys say. If the queues really suck that hard, we should make a petition/suggestion to merge ALL EU/US realms into one big BG (for the lower brackets only.)

Loadwise this should be more then possisble.
don't mind me, i'll just be over on my pvp server ganking kids and camping lowbie towns with my bros
BorisBlade said:
I found it funny that no one on this site seems to notice just how bad the situation is. I know blizz did this in an intentionally sneaky way that makes them look like they are doin what they can to help both sides, but in reality any bracekt but 19 will die out, and they know it, they arent stupid.

I completely agree with this and I've also said it a fair amount of times since finding out about the change. I'm in essentially the same situation you are, I have too many twinks to consolidate all to one server and I'm not willing to shell out a ton of extra cash because blizzard found a sneaky way to "appease" people while making more capital in the long run because of it.
How about instead of guessing at how many twinks will play, you instead try playing for a bit, and seeing if enough are playing or not. Then, if they aren't, you start making it known that twinking is no longer a "dishonorable" thing, since you've got your own bg now, and get some other people you know to build twinks as well. Hm?
I tried to read what you wrote, but I couldn't help but think of the days when I actually had to wait in hour long queues. You know it really isn't so bad. If the only reason you play WoW is for AB or WSG then it doesn't surprise me that your loyalty or interest in the game can change so quickly. You sound pretty selfish too by blaming this on people who play level 19's for this change. While all you are doing is complaining most level 19s are coming up with even more ways to enjoy the game outside of BGs. All you can think of is the next AB.

Some of us enjoy that the game evolves, for better or worse, but honestly I don't think WoW is the game for you, and maybe now is a good time to quit.
lots of people are moving from bloodlust to cyclone in the US. i guess if there are enough people in 1 battlegroup more and more people will xfer over and itll be better than before
Yeah I'll be waiting til after 3.2 hits and then seeing where I can transfer my lock. Hopefully a decent twink guild will spring up.
Powerglove said:
lots of people are moving from bloodlust to cyclone in the US. i guess if there are enough people in 1 battlegroup more and more people will xfer over and itll be better than before

Yeah, consolidation is the easiest way to go. In some ways, it'd probably be a lot of fun if you could find a group of twinks you play with, and level up as a group on some new server. Though I suppose heirlooms are going to be a bigger thorn in the future. =/

If I was still playing, I'd say go bloodlust! As it is, imho the more important thing is to play with people you like to play with, and maintain the bracket. Meh, I've probably just gone soft since quitting. >.>

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