The Most Respectable Tinke

ze most respectble??

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Alpha and Omega
Given their remarkable performance in recent polls, who is the most respectable tinker?
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Be careful, Eliot has been putting down the iron fist lately. It may be time to say goodbye to Dory tink...
Be careful, Eliot has been putting down the iron fist lately. It may be time to say goodbye to Dory tink...

I would be surprised if this thread even rated a deletion - my knowledge of TI's CoC has kept me safe from bans and most infractions in the past.
I voted kancer to show my appreciation of the fact that there is good inside all of us especially Epipen i want her to know that we care and she's a winner no matter what anyone tells her in life <3, Vote Ore 012
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Oh look Iaccidentlytwink posted something completely irrelevant to another thread. At this point I am going to go through all of his posts and report each and every one that violates the TI COC. If he isn't punished then we know that the mods are abusing their power.
Oh look Iaccidentlytwink posted something completely irrelevant to another thread. At this point I am going to go through all of his posts and report each and every one that violates the TI COC. If he isn't punished then we know that the mods are abusing their power.
this thread violates ToC.. along with almost everything posted in this section for the past year.
Guys since your city has murders in it every day that means I can go shoot someone. I guess having that mentality gets your far in life.
this thread violates ToC.. along with almost everything posted in this section for the past year.
i really hope you don't believe that, if you do then you might want to get your eyes checked
yes 19s can be retards but most threads in this section violate nothing from the ToC, most threads are either promoting the bracket or asking questions.
your attitude toward this bracket begs me to ask, why the hell do you even click 15-19 bracket if you believe nothing about it is respectable?
kancer is NOT a tinke or a tink
ore has proven over the past few months to be tink
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