The Gurubashi Help-line:
Please before reading any farther keep in mind this thread will be changing constantly, so stop by for a read from time to time!
Have an idea how to improve the post, clear up an unclear area, or just make it ever better'er? Send me a private message with your ideas/concerns!
After getting my Arena Grand Master trinket I decided to start helping a few people get their trinkets started, so I started getting some groups together for people and helping pretty much whoever whispered me first get the trinkets so they stayed in the community rather then going to 85s who come to get it for an achievement, where-as we actually use them. I was not going to help Alt-characters, and will not. So please do not post an alt-character expecting me to help you, regardless of how close you are.
What I'm going to do is help the people who are close to getting their trinkets, get their trinkets
I'm not a no-lifer though, so don't expect me to be on for every single chest drop I work a full-time job as well as have other hobbies, but I will do my best to be free for ~10 minutes every three hours when I'm not busy.
To Clarify:
Bottom Line: I will not be helping you against other 20s, if there are just 20s there then you are on your own.
I will only be helping people who are getting close to their master trinket, only in special cases will I help someone who has nearly none.
Once all the people who are close are out of the way, I will not be helping people who have almost none, what I will be doing is getting a couple 85s ready to be summoned in case any 85s show up while the 20s free for all for the trinket, and maybe summoning Alliance and Horde F2Ps to the arena to make it interesting, I'm not quite sure on this though (Post your thoughts?)
I'm not going to be ruining everyones fun, I'm going to try
I will NOT be doing this at 3AM or 6AM, if I happen to be on at that time I will drop by to spectate and if some 85s show up I may do what I can to intervene, but I would probably only summon a few 85s to keep those 85s in check while the F2Pers free for all over it.
Please post in this format:
Character name:
Alliance or Horde:
(Screenshot of your trinkets so far)
(Screenshot of the achievement for your first trinket)
Q: How do I post a screenshot?
A: You press "Print Screen/Prnt Scrn" and then you go to your World of Warcraft screenshots folder (Or you can just paste straight into pain) the folder is typically at:
What I use: imgur: the simple image sharer
Second best, in my opinion:
Third best, also in my opinion:
After uploading your screenshot, it should give you a few links, pick the one that says it's a direct link for emails, then in your post click on the little picture of a tree and enter in that URL, click OK and it should insert it for you!
Please before reading any farther keep in mind this thread will be changing constantly, so stop by for a read from time to time!
Have an idea how to improve the post, clear up an unclear area, or just make it ever better'er? Send me a private message with your ideas/concerns!
After getting my Arena Grand Master trinket I decided to start helping a few people get their trinkets started, so I started getting some groups together for people and helping pretty much whoever whispered me first get the trinkets so they stayed in the community rather then going to 85s who come to get it for an achievement, where-as we actually use them. I was not going to help Alt-characters, and will not. So please do not post an alt-character expecting me to help you, regardless of how close you are.
What I'm going to do is help the people who are close to getting their trinkets, get their trinkets
I'm not a no-lifer though, so don't expect me to be on for every single chest drop I work a full-time job as well as have other hobbies, but I will do my best to be free for ~10 minutes every three hours when I'm not busy.
To Clarify:
Bottom Line: I will not be helping you against other 20s, if there are just 20s there then you are on your own.
I will only be helping people who are getting close to their master trinket, only in special cases will I help someone who has nearly none.
Once all the people who are close are out of the way, I will not be helping people who have almost none, what I will be doing is getting a couple 85s ready to be summoned in case any 85s show up while the 20s free for all for the trinket, and maybe summoning Alliance and Horde F2Ps to the arena to make it interesting, I'm not quite sure on this though (Post your thoughts?)
I'm not going to be ruining everyones fun, I'm going to try
I will NOT be doing this at 3AM or 6AM, if I happen to be on at that time I will drop by to spectate and if some 85s show up I may do what I can to intervene, but I would probably only summon a few 85s to keep those 85s in check while the F2Pers free for all over it.
Please post in this format:
Character name:
Alliance or Horde:
(Screenshot of your trinkets so far)
(Screenshot of the achievement for your first trinket)
Q: How do I post a screenshot?
A: You press "Print Screen/Prnt Scrn" and then you go to your World of Warcraft screenshots folder (Or you can just paste straight into pain) the folder is typically at:
Then once you've gotten your screenshot you just need to upload it to a host site, here are a few:C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Screenshots
What I use: imgur: the simple image sharer
Second best, in my opinion:
Third best, also in my opinion:
After uploading your screenshot, it should give you a few links, pick the one that says it's a direct link for emails, then in your post click on the little picture of a tree and enter in that URL, click OK and it should insert it for you!
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