The "Good ol' Days"


Well with Cataclysm coming out in the future, lets start to head back..

Anybody remember those days before cross-realm battlegroups?

When we used to just have fun? Kick it with the other faction?

Campfire in the middle of the WSG and share some laughs with everyone?

Thats what first braught me into the 19 bracket..

So lets get this thread started..

Post a memory from the 19 bracket..

may it be when you ganked someone and msged them up to highfive them

or went into a wsg like i did and just sat and joked around.

- i would like to also thank Levelonetwink for his video, it brought back some memories and inspired me to post this.
I remember 2-3 hour long wsgs :) stuck at 2-2.

I remember when fishing hats showed determination and indicated the level of skill a player would play at.

I remember when rogues had 2k hp and FC bears could get 4k.

Good times :)
I remember walking around with Warchief's Blessing, Zandalar Spirit and rallying Drang Cry buffs meanwhile haveing Fish Feast buff. Ahh helpless alliance could not kill me nor my friends.

I remember when we could have +30 stamina +15 resilience enchant to shoulders and seeing people glitch the new +55 stamina leg piece.

I remember being in a bugged Wsg and the doors would not open...

I remember 30 minute FC chases.

I remember when rogues could FC for 1 hour.

I remember having to guess people's Hit Points.
i remeber the good ol days when..>OMG DUDE I JUST GOT MY HAT! serious. So fricken happy :) just got Keefers!
When Crushridge Legends and The Twinks Unite used to queue pugs against us (Pizza Hut).
I remember entering a BG in what I thought was good gear before I even knew what a twink was and getting mercilessly stomped into the ground by rogues that dodged all my attacks and thinking "damn, how can I be like them".
Rivfader said:
I remember entering a BG in what I thought was good gear before I even knew what a twink was and getting mercilessly stomped into the ground by rogues that dodged all my attacks and thinking "damn, how can I be like them".

This^ also remember when i saw a twink the first time, was on my lvl 14-16 warrior (my first ever char) and i felt like i wanted to do some pvp and our team got 2 manned by a priest and a warrior, i still remember the name of the warrior =o Cowblackout
I remember when Cyclone battlegroup was the shit. the endless hours of fun playing with and against the " Pros " of Cyclone. too bad everybody that isn't " Me " is bad nowerdays. too much Epeen. and ofcourse, I remember <Not The Face> will never forget those moments with the core's Penicillin, Jsy, Zamagio and Myself. Oh and Bloodelfje if anybody knew him. xD I remember the 2 hour arena battles playing Rogue/Mage vs Pala/mage, Oh and while on the note of Pala's I remember when there was no such thing as Ret. I remember when Shadowfang was 100g on ah 24/7. I remember the face of Aygat after they got destroyed by me 1 by 1, but ofcourse to all you bellends on this forum I am just some scrub that lies about all of my warcraft achievments. this list could go on forever but I shall leave it to your imagination.
I liked getting the libram on your hat done; and you would just watch your stats get bumped up.

I liked being able to see how many gulches were up.

I liked getting my shadofang for 50g and laughed at anyone tryin to sell me 1 for 150g.

I liked meeting another twink in normal bgs (pre xp lock ofc) and thinking "THERES MORE?"

I liked waitin 5 minutes for a warsong gulch

I liked my old arena buddy busdriver :), "eat ice biiitch" had me laughin for hours xD

I liked the old days, but lifes a bitch. Hello 5 sec fights at cata ;(
I'd have to say something from the good ol days would be from my 29 Hunter specced SV with Entrapment and Imp Wing Clip with Int and Stam gear... somthing about rooting whole teams was endlessly satisfying as an FC escort... and then there was my Goblin Mortar, Raptor Strike, Goblin Sapper Charge, Multi-Shot, Auto Shot insta-gib on a high profile Druid FC in WSG in his flag room as he was going for the cap during BC.
When [item]Goblin Rocket Boots[/item] were obtainable on a level 10. (prebc)

When a level 10 rogue could run around with 100% dodge before fishing boots (postbc)

Defense Rating Nerf! (postbc)

When a level 10 rogue could run around with 96% dodge fully geared! (postbc)

When librams, leg armor and fishing boots got nerfed...


When you could laugh your ass off at bad twinks getting facerolled by non-twinks.

When crusader and fiery were considered good rogue enchants

Shitting bricks when I seen my first level 19 paladin FC with 5k hp and having no one else on defense
I remember when you had to invite players to form your group (and you would only invite twinks so non-twinks stopped queueing)

I remember when it was 14 rep per cap and Exalted meant something

I remember when Honored neck/ring and Revered weapons made you badass

I remember when Sergeant rank was a nice 2 week grind

I remember when Tak the Leaper could run at 150% speed as a hunter pet

I remember when prot pallys were the best 1v1 class

I remember rogue duels/dodge rogues

I remember the Fishing Hat first being found by Twinkd (aka Twidge)

I remember when use the queue to teleport your party to you (Ashenvale, IF, ETC)

I remember when dual fiery twink rogues were the scariest mother fuckers in WSG

I remember when druids had not been thought about as FCs yet

I remember when you could /duel in a WSG

I remember when Shadowfang was 25g

Blah blah blah, I could go on forever!
I remember when twinking was not completely revolved around gear, and you could actually show how good you were with skill.

I remmeber when everyone laughed at the rogue that had Fiery instead of duel Agility.

I remember %100 dodge.

I remember the WSG starting buff bug.

I remember when people were friendly to other people in WSG.

By far my favorite memory about the old days, was before cross-realms, we would have 20 campfires in the middle, with 10+ Battle Standards (This was Reckoning when everyone was either a complete addict with 50k+ kills, or they never joined wsg.) It was awesome, because we would have two guilds between the horde and alliance with the same similar names <Spirit Healer Tour Guide> <Spirit Healer Tourguide>, and we would orgonize 10v10 premades and just make it endless.

But i miss the guilds i have joined over the years. Each one was like a family, and it hurt when they either fell apart, or went inactive. My most memorable guild has to have been <You Should Just AFK Out>, which transforned into <Spirit Healer Tour Guide>, and then the major twinks transfered and joined <Infierno> in the ruin battlegroup over the years. I got to know everyone in the guild, and we were amazing twinks, we worked together in perfect harmony, and could pretty much read eachothers minds. I learned most of the things i knew about twinking from them, and the people i grew stronger with i still know.

That is actually where i got my usual twink name "Tourguide", because the guild master was first "witeandnerdy" then "Tourguide" and got the name "Kitestuh" when she transfered to Infierno. She taught me the basics of a hunter, and i perfected it into my lethal playing style i use today.

Here is her YouTube channel, and has some very amusing videos about her twinking experiences. I am actually in most of her videos :p

YouTube - WTFISJUICE11694's Channel

I wish i took some videos like that :( OH well.

Here is a few pictures of my old twink rogue i found.


Haha, here was my first twink hunter. Notice the name "Tourjr" xD And omfg, my bars are horenous, this was before i got into keybinding. The screenshot is to show that i fucked up everyone from my old guild Twinkz R Uz, because everyone raided my guild bank and left. So i got into playing horde. And here i am with my slapped together hunter.

Im glad to see this is actually a rolling topic, im hopiing one day to get all of these kinda of players that enjoyed that kind of pvp/fun and getting us all onto 1 server horde/alliance.

Maybe go around and make some new memories with our twinks.
Pre TBC twinking was fun. You had to put efforts in it.

Librams and some quest gear and honored/revered gears was hard to obtain.

so twinking was someting you couldn't do in just a few days. It could take several weeks before your twink was completed.

And it felt so rewarding!

I had a 19 twink paladin (prot spec with shield) on shattered hand EU called Ergo.

In my eyes she was insane. full equiped and enchanted and almost exalted in WSG

Ran around with 1400 hp unbuffed and could beat every class in 1-1 including some dodgy rogues depending on their luck and skill.

Now since xp bg's fun is gone as no bg's are populated as non xp gaining twink... (REMOVE THIS PLX)

All ppl running around in heirlooms enchanted... so why have not some twinks too?

Twinking has become EASY.

It takes me less then 7 days ( like 1 - 2 days play time) to gear and enchant a 19 or 29....

Atm I prefer prot warrior alot at level 19 and most at 29.

Had 2 draenei prot warriors.

Herbalism and gift of the Naaru are INSANE survival skill at level 29 combined with shield wall and last stance it makes you almost a raging terminator when geared top !

Also the heirlooms are giving you around 20-25 % depending the build. and alot of armor (in prot stance around 55-60% reduction.

My 29 prot warrior could crit over 1k dmg with revenge and because alot of ppl use pets its available almost all time. Also shield bash and fear is awsome interupt against casters.

Even hunters dont get me down if i have some of my defensive cd's. Glyph of charge makes it all well :)

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