The best class in 70

There's no such thing as best class, onlt the class bestly suited for the given player

Any class can be valid if properly gear / suited for the player, and if he plays it well
Just my opinion. (<--- Said to avoid flaming, and debates of class balance (lol) )

But some of the stronger classes/specializations are, Mages, as a whole. Subtlety rogues, Priests, Namely disc. Then anything with above 50% resilience as a protection/tanking spec, least, that was the case, before the removal of pvp vengeance, Haven't played much lately.

The weaker classes/specializations being Warlocks, Hunters, And warriors, In that order, of course, this is just how i see things, Some classes really need abilities, some really need removal of control (Cough, Frost mage, Cough).

And yes, Rogues are very viable.
Funny though how a warrior can be in top 3 and 2 teams though, and how warlock can have 1800 rating in RBGs.

You guys got no clue about. keep copy cating each other ! =)
Of course there is a best class, it just depends on how you look at it and what you're doing with the toon. Depends if you're tanking, dps'ing or healing.

There's stronger classes ( also reffered to as easily played ) an there's harder classes to play ( reffered to as those who can actually play )
Funny though how a warrior can be in top 3 and 2 teams though, and how warlock can have 1800 rating in RBGs.

You guys got no clue about. keep copy cating each other ! =)

Some classes/specializations are just straight-up better then others, in most situations. Where a warlock, warrior or hunter can do well, In most situations, a rogue, priest, or mage would do much better.

And no, All classes/spec's in all brackets are not 100% balanced/equal, If i've got a disc priest behind me, Paired with possibly a restoration shaman, i'll rake up 40-60 killing blows, A warrior with pocket healers can do well, And warlocks are great without a rogue stuck to them, it's all situational.

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