<THAT SEVENTIES SHOW> New 70 guild Mannoroth US

Hey denizens of twink info, my name's Heeljoo/Fone, and I'm the freshly-made-GM of the guild <THAT SEVENTIES SHOW> on Mannoroth US. Though we're currently small, I'm doing everything I can to attempt to make this a somewhat active 70 raiding guild, with our final goal being full 70 BT/SWP clears. In the meantime, we're looking for 70s of any class/gear level to help us expand our roster, the only real requirement at this point is please for the love of god don't be terrible.

If you'd like to reroll, we're fine with that. Send a tell/in game mail to Heeljoo/Teddiursa/Marksmanship on mannoroth alliance if you have any further questions where this is concerned.

Thanks for reading.
they want a legendary no doubt
i had a 70 on that side of manno (faction changed still a 70), and from previous fails of so called van-wow or BC only twink guilds on horde and alliance side. my experience on mannoroth is that players will build full pimp geared 19's, 60's, and 70's and 2-3 weeks or sometime later they are popped. they are always hyped and full throttled but then get bored and want to twink at next level. they make claims they will never upgrade or level but they do. many players are users and abusers to just get epic gear to get a boost to level 71-80. many players don't have the patience in getting gear thru progression and want 80's to help boost them. when they are geared way before others in the guild, they get bored.

- i would recommend trying to get BC only account players. otherwise they will at one point rarely log once geared and are overly involved with their 80's or soon 85's

- reccomend if you allow XP off 70's get the names of their alts, even lvl-1 bank alt's "ALL of THEM". may want to do this on all your guildies

- include PVP BG's to prevent boredom between raid lock outs.

- to screen fakers, i would recommend ensuring/checking to see if new players are getting keyed for all BC 5-man heriocs and kara, easily done within the guild or using dungeon finder.

- do tours to show them the vendors of epic T4-6 gear, PVP gear in shat, isle of quel, SW or ORG, and BC faction vendors. once some see the work involved, it will screen the fakers/users/abusers

I want to apply for your guild, but your guild site appears to be down! I have a lvl 68 Drood boomkin/heals with 9 lvl 70 epics waiting for me in the bank (most of which I made - 375/375 mooncloth tailoring and 365/375 chanting), and I'm looking forward to lvl 70 to commit hordie massacre and PvE pwnage. As I will have to use the paid character transfer to move to your realm, I have a couple questions for you before I commit. Please reply to this post or e-mail me at fordprefect@live.com. WoLK not installed. Thanks!

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