tence 19 hpally video


title is self explanatory. My first attempt at a video so please keep that in mind. Also for some reason after rendering the audio in one of the clips got all distorted so my apologies on that. If the feedback goes well I might make more. I mainly did this as something to do to keep me interested in playing.

I tried to get varied clips of faking,healing on D, returns, etc. Also the first clip people from eu might not understand. Tence 19 Twink Video - YouTube
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Awesome video Tence! So many rogues getting faked off roof hahahaha.
bla no dory cameos!

jk ur a good hpal and r a pro at carrying bad teams, nice vid, the 5 rogues combined w/ zelda dubstep at the end provided a good ending
Thanks for the all the positive feedback from everyone :) I will start recording again and gathering clips. Expect more fcing clips in the second video!
I'm not going to lie, this video wasn't the greatest. The clips weren't very entertaining, the quality of the video was poor, and the music wasn't unique. It's time someone tells the truth! :)
I'm not going to lie, this video wasn't the greatest. The clips weren't very entertaining, the quality of the video was poor, and the music wasn't unique. It's time someone tells the truth! :)
If you didn't own walmart connection maybe you could've put it on HD, and tbh there is no point in commenting if you don't like it then don't comment :p. Wheres your epic video? I would like to see it.
I'm not going to lie, this video wasn't the greatest. The clips weren't very entertaining, the quality of the video was poor, and the music wasn't unique. It's time someone tells the truth! :)

the quality of the clips were poor compared to other videos out there yes, but I solo q 90+% of the time and going up against 5 man groups/ ally generally stacking hunters or rogues lately makes getting good clips difficult. I rushed the release of the video because I wanted to get feedback mainly. On the note of the music I used, that is music I enjoy listening to. I don't see a point in putting something that I might not enjoy but others would. When I release the next video the clip quality will be higher.
There is no point in rushing to create a video for feedback purposes if it is going to turn out terrible. Also, the point of creating a video is for others can enjoy. Putting personal preferences into something that everyone will see like that will not receive positive reviews. Be creative and think outside the box! :p
There is no point in rushing to create a video for feedback purposes if it is going to turn out terrible. Also, the point of creating a video is for others can enjoy. Putting personal preferences into something that everyone will see like that will not receive positive reviews. Be creative and think outside the box! :p
As far as I can see all he got was positive feedback, except you... :) Don't make sense.
As far as I can see all he got was positive feedback, except you... :) Don't make sense.

beau is entitled to his own opinion just like everyone else. It is very unlikely that you create something rushed or not and everyone likes it because everyone has a different taste and everyone likes different things.

Assuming you watched the video beau you would see that I had a variety of clips. Returning flags, playing d, fcing, etc. The point of the video (like I said) was to get feedback on what the community would like to see or what they enjoyed most for future videos while also releasing a video as well. Although you seem to not like the video (i'm not sure if its personal bias because you generally don't like me for whatever reason and because I generally don't like you as a person or because it wasn't entertaining for you) a lot of the rest of the community said they did enjoy it.
Good Video - and don't mind beau - it doesn't quite make sense to put music you dislike into a video and besides the music is a side note in a video like this, it's all about the clips (of course it wouldn't be entertaining for Beau, has no farming clips)

Anyway I enjoyed the clips and this is one of the first videos I didn't have to mute to get through
is a tence/rejen D TOO GOOD? :O

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