This thread will be updated on a regular basis about pre Twink Cup games and when they're happening, what channel we will be using to stream the games and Twitch Vods after the games with scores in case anyone missed the games. Hopefully this will helpful to both newer and experienced players that are going to compete in this year's Twink Cup.
We will have 3 games this weekend August 24-26, 2018
Friday, August 24, 2018
US 8:30 PM EST
Games will be streamed on
2nd series: Jesus Christ Pete vs. S P I T
Saturday, August 25, 2018
US 11:30 PM EST
Games will be streamed on
US 3:00 PM EST
Games will be streamed on

1st series: Gurubashi Surf Club vs. Last Sunday Night
Friday, August 24, 2018
US 8:30 PM EST
Games will be streamed on
2nd series: Jesus Christ Pete vs. S P I T
Saturday, August 25, 2018
US 11:30 PM EST
Games will be streamed on
3rd series: Gurubashi Surf Club vs. S P I T
Sunday, August 26, 2018
US 3:00 PM EST
Games will be streamed on