Target to low level ? [ Medicine Pouch ]


Hey i just got my pouch but when im trying to use it it says ''target to low level''..

Have anyone else noticed this problem or am i the only one? What to do ? :eek:
I did not. Nor did the other people I helped get. That's really strange since it doesn't have a lvl requirement I believe?

it says with a red text ''target to low level'' its annoying :p .. wierd that im the only one :/
You're not the only one. You can't use the pouch "use" effect. it's just a flat 10 stam item.

I was actually going to post this morning to ask why people thought the pouch was so great. I got myself the flight points last night to tackle this grind today on my rdruid, but as I'm crunching the numbers, I'm not sure the benefit is so great, can someone walk me through the following logic?

We've known since the last thread that for years the Use effect on the pouch doesn't apply to us. So it represents only a 10 stamina off-hand item. It scales to 12 stamina in battlegrounds. So, when FC'ing, I could swap my Tome of the Lost for this and wield it and my Devout Aurastone Hammer... a total of 17 STA after scaling. Or, I could just equip my Dignified Headmaster's Charge, and have 16 STA scaled -plus- have much higher cat and bear form damage output, and higher crit and spell power... so what's the point? Is there some other class that doesn't have a weapon equivalent that gives them as much STA?

I mean sure, if the Use effect worked, that would be nice to swap in for the heal. But it hasn't for years. So why is the pouch so sought after all of a sudden?
I was actually going to post this morning to ask why people thought the pouch was so great. I got myself the flight points last night to tackle this grind today on my rdruid, but as I'm crunching the numbers, I'm not sure the benefit is so great, can someone walk me through the following logic?

We've known since the last thread that for years the Use effect on the pouch doesn't apply to us. So it represents only a 10 stamina off-hand item. It scales to 12 stamina in battlegrounds. So, when FC'ing, I could swap my Tome of the Lost for this and wield it and my Devout Aurastone Hammer... a total of 17 STA after scaling. Or, I could just equip my Dignified Headmaster's Charge, and have 16 STA scaled -plus- have much higher cat and bear form damage output, and higher crit and spell power... so what's the point? Is there some other class that doesn't have a weapon equivalent that gives them as much STA?

I mean sure, if the Use effect worked, that would be nice to swap in for the heal. But it hasn't for years. So why is the pouch so sought after all of a sudden?

Rogues can use it for emergency FCing, and that's the only good reason I've found that it might be useful for someone. Oh, and bromaster monks?
I have it on my lvl 1 banker ANY level can get it. I obtained it on my lvl one waayyy back before heirlooms existed along with an AGM. Now why it desired "all of a sudden", that I can not tell you.

I was actually going to post this morning to ask why people thought the pouch was so great. I got myself the flight points last night to tackle this grind today on my rdruid, but as I'm crunching the numbers, I'm not sure the benefit is so great, can someone walk me through the following logic?

We've known since the last thread that for years the Use effect on the pouch doesn't apply to us. So it represents only a 10 stamina off-hand item. It scales to 12 stamina in battlegrounds. So, when FC'ing, I could swap my Tome of the Lost for this and wield it and my Devout Aurastone Hammer... a total of 17 STA after scaling. Or, I could just equip my Dignified Headmaster's Charge, and have 16 STA scaled -plus- have much higher cat and bear form damage output, and higher crit and spell power... so what's the point? Is there some other class that doesn't have a weapon equivalent that gives them as much STA?

I mean sure, if the Use effect worked, that would be nice to swap in for the heal. But it hasn't for years. So why is the pouch so sought after all of a sudden?

I actually got it for my Druid and BM monk. It's going to be part of my fcing set. It goes great with the "dawnblade". I would of linked the item, but since I'm on my phone atm I will not go through the trouble to so that. :p
I have it on my lvl 1 banker ANY level can get it. I obtained it on my lvl one waayyy back before heirlooms existed along with an AGM. Now why it desired "all of a sudden", that I can not tell you.


They are talking about the on use effect silly

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