Talbar Mantle Restoration


Can anyone give me any advise as to how to get this restored?

I have opened tickets, I have done the quest, I have had the item, but somewhere along the line, iv deleted it or vendored it.

Now I want it back, not so much because its useful but its just one of those items that is of huge sentimental value to me, now that the days of twinking are so much darker than they were.

The last GM i spoke to tried to tell me that that item has been removed from the game entirely, which i know for a fact is lies.

If anyone has some tip i would appreciate any input.

P.S. If this is the wrong section to be posting in i appologise and please move the post.

Cheers :)
Just keep trying. Some GM's plain don't like twinks so they won't help you. Others are nice and will. It might depend on how long ago you lost it, though, one consistent thing GM's have told me is that their databases only hold old info for 6 months something something, so if it was longer than 6 months ago that you got rid of it you might be out of luck entirely.
hmm my latest GM told me that the database kept information for 2 months... there is something wrong here..

@OP Grats on getting it back!

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