Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Review (Part 1 of 7) - YouTube
The first SW movies were great. The last three were not even close to that. If you want to see a humorous series about why SW sucks.
As far as GW2, or any of the many other similar games, most of which wouldn't run on my PC, I just don't see them pulling in too many people and, more importantly, keeping them shelling out the money to keep playing it.
Personally, I am a huge Battletech, Mechwarrior fanboy, although only the originals, not this new crap since Wizkids took over, and if there was a genuine MMORPG set in the original universe before all this Wizkids crap, I would buy a new PC and every single related to the game. There have been a few online games, including the soon to be Mechwarrior Online
MechWarrior Online but much like previous MW games that simply had an online component, all it is is MW FPS death matches with no vehicles, elementals, space battles, jump ships, or basically anything that hasn't been done to death already, albeit with prettier graphics.
Anyway, long story short, getting people into new games, and keeping them, is a very difficult task. That addictive factor is harder to quantify than people think, and for the most part, what people think they want, and what people actually want, tend not to have a whole lot to do with one another. WoW is not going anywhere. It's making a lot of money, and as long as it does, Blizz will keep it around. Part of WoW's success is that it's been around so long, and will more than likely be around for a long time to come, so people will pay money on virtual items. When a game is just as likely to vanish as it is to stick around, spending real money on virtual things is a big ask.