first off it's a free for all when it comes to levels. players entering at level-10 end up facing level-50's. you can end up on a team of levels 10-23 and have other team with one 50 just reek havoc upon your team if they are the right class
second, if it was bracketed, talents awarded in the game at low level for some classes would make them seriously OP. to put it in terms of WOW as most know it would be like a mage having deepfreeze and icelance at 14 but gaining frost nova at 50, a rogue cheap shot and kidney shot at 18 then gaining backstab at 50.
many are already asking for bracketing, not like WOW or RIFT, but atleast with 50's in their own bracket
second, if it was bracketed, talents awarded in the game at low level for some classes would make them seriously OP. to put it in terms of WOW as most know it would be like a mage having deepfreeze and icelance at 14 but gaining frost nova at 50, a rogue cheap shot and kidney shot at 18 then gaining backstab at 50.
many are already asking for bracketing, not like WOW or RIFT, but atleast with 50's in their own bracket