SW:TOR going F2P in July.


So, I might be arriving late to some party I never knew about here, but....

Bioware has announced that The Old Republic is going F2P up until level 15 in July. I, for one, am certainly going to give twinking in a f2p TOR a try, but what about others? I admit, I've done absolutely NO PvP in TOR, but I've heard the way they do the matching up is fucked up.

It might be good, but personally for me its not something I waste my time with.

I just stay on the 2 "MAIN" MMORPG's that have been around for more then a century and pk/pvp F2P with them :)

I f2p PVP on WoW
I f2p PK on runescape

Runescape/Wow are my favourite MMORPG's of all time :), And now with Runescape doing a mega combat update its going to be even more epic with the player vs player experience.

I like WoW because of its diversity, idea of battlegrounds,graphics and choice of classes ect.
And I like Runescape because when you kill someone 1v1 its alot harder but you get their armor... :) and clan wars are fun.

I like the idea of "f2p" because you don't feel like your missing out when you don't play for a week because its for free and its not costing you, also f2pers have to EARN their gear, not get it from another account.

WoW f2p toon: Domisunique @ Khaz'goroth - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Runescape f2p toon: "DOMlNlC" = 103 combat
- 99 range
- 99 strength
- 99 mage
- 99 defence
- 99 hitpoints
- 50 attack
- 49 prayer

So yeh thats my gaming life :), Not saying you should play runescape though. I usually pk on runescape whilst I wait for ques on WoW for bgs lol, its a good combnation. peace
You know why WoW killers never work? None of them are compatible with iMacs. I'm gonna say that's 10% of the WoW population. At least 5%.
You know why WoW killers never work? None of them are compatible with iMacs. I'm gonna say that's 10% of the WoW population. At least 5%.
I rather agree, I know a lot of people who play wow cause it's the only game available on Mac without emulating/bootcamping a windows OS. Since the reason a lot of people use macs is so that they don't have to deal with windows that's not really an attractive option.

Edit: that's not to say that SWOTOR specifically would have killed WoW with a Mac client... not sure that their lack of success can be attributed to platform alone.
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I played TOR up to level 28 then had to quit because I couldn't keep up with paying for two MMOs at once. WoW won, but from what I saw in TOR, I loved it. I'm not really sure what it is about it that people didn't like.

Now, I admit I was one of those who had been waiting for this (since sophomore year of high school, and I just completed my 4th year of college, so it's been a while) thinking it would be a WoW killer, and I really don't know what I was thinking it. HOWEVER -- It still has over a million active subscriptions. I would hardly say it's failing -- it was just a little overambitious.

This all being said, this thread is not intended to be about "Does f2p mean TOR is dying?" or even "TOR is dying." I just wanted to bring it to the attention of people who, like myself, enjoy twinking so that maybe there will be an organized f2p community in TOR. Yes, I'm aware it's not WoW (and honestly, I'm surprised nobody has pointed that out and offered up a trolly GTFO with it) and this website is predominantly about twinking in WoW, but I figured it was worth a shot.

I will be rolling f2p on the server Grand Master Zym (or is it zhym? can't remember) once July rolls around, if anyone would care to join me. :)
I played it a while after release.

The main "story line" blows any questing WoW has ever produced out of the water. Sadly the majority of quests do not involve the main story and just contain repetitive "Kill this and go here" actions.

I managed to get to Lvl 38 before the quest grind became too much and I quit.

Although, If it is becoming F2P I highly recommend playing the game purely for the main storyline alone. For that part it's extremely enjoyable.
So, I might be arriving late to some party I never knew about here, but....

Bioware has announced that The Old Republic is going F2P up until level 15 in July. I, for one, am certainly going to give twinking in a f2p TOR a try, but what about others? I admit, I've done absolutely NO PvP in TOR, but I've heard the way they do the matching up is fucked up.

PVP in SWTOR is actually quite fun.

Huttball is a blast. Basically like a football game in a maze-like arena with fire traps.

There's another WZ that is like Arathi Basin, 3 cannon resources. The more resources you control the faster you destroy the enemy ship.

The other WZ is with an attack-defend where you need to blow up the gates to get to the control room to blow up. You get timed on it on both sides (I forget the BG in WOW thats similar to this).

I believe the PVP brackets are 10-49, then 50. But there is a Boost for toons under like 49 where you do more damage, get more hp, and hit chance raised. So you aren't totally gimped, it actually works quite well.

If you roll Alliance, you'll get instant PVP queues. If you roll Empire, queues are longer and will be playing a lot of Huttball (in huttball, you can do same faction fights).

Its def worth trying out. The storyline is really good and is a nice break from WOW's questing.
I actually played SWTOR, when it came out, and I didn't like it very much

I won't be bothering with it's free to play trial, and honestly, I have to recommend that you guys don't go into that game with high hopes for a twink bracket. SWTOR's only real strength is the single player story, the PvP is a complete joke, which is compounded by the fact that as a 15, you'll be stuck in games against people level 10-49 (It was 10-50 at launch LOLOLOLOLOLOL)

There's also really long queue times for PvP, because the game is pretty much dead, so unless you have an enemy team to queue with, you're just gonna be stuck there with your 7 friends waiting 2 hours for a bad experience
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every online multiplayer game, from now on, will be free to play. anything that is not will be crushed by its competitors, because the notion of paying a subscription to play internet games in this day and age is honestly just laughable.

the only thing that is going to continue to be able to charge subscription fees is console platforms, and that's really only because people who play console games are comically ignorant and almost always spoiled first-world kids and yuppies.
@ OP - thanks for the heads up!
I actually played SWTOR, when it came out, and I didn't like it very much

I won't be bothering with it's free to play trial, and honestly, I have to recommend that you guys don't go into that game with high hopes for a twink bracket. SWTOR's only real strength is the single player story, the PvP is a complete joke, which is compounded by the fact that as a 15, you'll be stuck in games against people level 10-49 (It was 10-50 at launch LOLOLOLOLOLOL)

There's also really long queue times for PvP, because the game is pretty much dead, so unless you have an enemy team to queue with, you're just gonna be stuck there with your 7 friends waiting 2 hours for a bad experience
Actually, as alliance, you have instant queues. hardly 2 hours. You'll need to research to see what has the best server populations though as there is no cross server pvp yet.

Also, being level 15 in the 10-49 bracket is more balanced than a 24 being in the 20-24 bracket here.

I would try it out still OP.
every online multiplayer game, from now on, will be free to play. anything that is not will be crushed by its competitors, because the notion of paying a subscription to play internet games in this day and age is honestly just laughable.

the only thing that is going to continue to be able to charge subscription fees is console platforms, and that's really only because people who play console games are comically ignorant and almost always spoiled first-world kids and yuppies.
I hate when companies call this "free to play". ITS NOT! Its simply an unlimited trial!!!

If WOW was F2P until 20, you would be able to trade, join guilds, receive mail from the AH, not have a 100 cap on professions, 10 gold cap, etc.
You'll need to research to see what has the best server populations though as there is no cross server pvp yet.

I just had a look at BW's server status page, and though that can hardly be called intense research, it appears that there is no server with a higher population than what they call "Standard."

Based on that, I've decided I'm going to go f2p on the server "Drooga's Pleasure Barge." It's listed as standard and it's a PvE server. I would love it if others would roll there as well.

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