EU <Supreme Chibis> - nostalgia raiding. Argent Dawn, Horde. (The Burning Crusade!)



<Supreme Chibis> started off last year as a project to semi-casually do classic raiding content with lvl 60 XP capped characters. Restrictions were made to gearing, enchantments and consumables ruling out heirloom gear and everything TBC+ while raiding. We killed C'thun 24th of February, a couple of days ago from now as I write this. Now we have decided to continue in to TBC content, making this a little bit of a reroll guild.

Looking for players who have interest and motivation to run Burning Crusade raids progressively!

We restrict deathknights and monks but all races are welcome. Equipment, consumables, enchants and gems from WotLK or higher are restricted. Heirloom equipment on raids restricted. Glyphs allowed.

Members are required to have TeamSpeak 3 for hearing strategy and callouts during combat. Also interest and motivation are great to have.

Nobody has to farm best-in-slot items or full consumables. Nobody has to attend every raid every week. You commit as much as you can and want.

Raid times are on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY - each night 6-9 PM server time.

Guild's website: (NOTE: not wholly updated to TBC changes)
Website contains posts regarding progression, other news and links to some boss kill VoDs on my twitch stream.
Guild roster in

Contact me in-game by whispering Gorsa or add me on HeppiZ#2325

Danks bai o/

UPDATE: Tier 4 raids cleared, Serpentshrine Cavern cleared!
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