super slow afk leveling spot


New Member

When this npc kills a mob you still get the xp for it even if you never touch it. The trick is to never turn in the spider quest so she keeps following you, find a spot where 2-3 of them spawn, you can gem for some regen if you have the soO heirlooms but 2-3 mobs seems pretty safe. I'm getting maybe 1 level every 1-2 hours but its fully working. Forgot to mention this is only aimed for people doing 1-10 or 1-11. it is super slow but you can afk and just check on it once in awhile so you dont get logged off
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why would anyone want to do this?
"Sorry your board has new members and more than 1 post a day for the 1st time in a decade. oops I guess"
Hope you enjoy the 1st time in a decade post. :KEKW:
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When this npc kills a mob you still get the xp for it even if you never touch it. The trick is to never turn in the spider quest so she keeps following you, find a spot where 2-3 of them spawn, you can gem for some regen if you have the soO heirlooms but 2-3 mobs seems pretty safe. I'm getting maybe 1 level every 1-2 hours but its fully working. Forgot to mention this is only aimed for people doing 1-10 or 1-11. it is super slow but you can afk and just check on it once in awhile so you dont get logged off
To be honest I don't see this being any useful since levelling is so fast anyways and by the time any level 1-9 non-Night Elf reaches the quest, they'd already have gotten quite a few levels.

That said that's a pretty neat discovery, it's always fun to see stuff like that :)
there are alot of quests like this that give OP assist NPCs, back in MOP when i made this player alot of twinks would PVP in redridge mountains this area was a hot spot till BFA kill world PVP along with scaling of quest zones. i was on this quest that gives you 5 NPCs, they heal, dot, smash, etc. i was on the quest when three 10s showed at stonewatch and tried to gank me, they came close but the NPCs wiped them. i decided not to do the quest and have kept it for a decade.

i would occasionally log to see if ganking was going on, several grouped 10's had a tactic at times to PVP right near this GY where they got free no penalty res's. so even if they died to a like level 30ish player they would res fresh and kill the near death higher level and gain honor points. with my NPCs and playing disco i was able to survive these attempts and at one point they would log

there are some spots with fast mob respawns i could park and get the DMF kill quest done AFK. i did help some level abit by having them stand at my player while grouped. still works to this day

at the start of SL players were staying in the maw and using the quest NPCs to attack the elites in outer areas which blizzard intended to keep players on the questing path rails

in mechagon when you do the other side quest, after you do all the quests you can stay inside, the NPC that assisted you will stay with you even after quest turn in and can 1-2 shot everything


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Took me an hour to get to lvl 11 on my alt. No reason I'd ever want to spend 1-2 hours for 1 level. That's too much time.

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